


A Review of the Debates on the Well-field System in the Western Zhou Dynasty since the 20th Century




孔令偉(Kung, Ling-wei)


井田 ; 公田 ; 封建 ; 西周 ; 胡適 ; Jingtian ; Gongtian ; Fengjian (Feudalism) ; West Zhou Dynasty ; Hu Shi




復刊9期=30期(2018 / 09 / 01)


63 - 81






Scholars of ancient Chinese history continue to explore and argue whether "the Well-field System" was implemented as a social institution in the pre-Qin period, and what the exact meaning of the Well-field System is. Before the 20th century, scholars had had different opinions regarding the meaning of the Well-field System, and some people even took its existence with a grain of salt. However, it was not until the early 20th century that with the influence of Yigupai (Doubting Antiquity School 疑古派), Chinese scholars set off a debate on whether the Western Zhou Dynasty had ever implemented the Well-field System. By reviewing the arguments of Hu Shi (胡適, 1891-1962), Qian Mu (錢穆, 1895-1990), and Zhu Zhixin (朱執信, 1885- 1920) on the Well-field System in the Western Zhou Dynasty, this paper points out that the debates on the Well-field System in the first half of the 20th century actually reflect the competition skepticism, cultural conservativism, and socialism in early republican China. In the second half of the 20th century, since the Marxist historiography had dominated the academia, the discussions of the Well-field System gradually become simplistic. In recent years, scholars have reinterpreted the Chinese character "Jin (井)," providing new perspectives for related issues. By investigating the representative arguments on the Well-field System since the 20th century and contextualizing them within the history of modern Chinese historiography, this paper further suggests that "Jingtian (井田)" and "Gongtian (公田)," which have often been lumped together in the past, should be clarified as two different concepts.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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