


Individual and Community: Review and Prospect of Research on Intellectual in Modern China




蔡旻遠(Tsai, Min-yuan)


知識分子 ; 群體 ; 社群 ; 數位人文 ; 社會網絡分析 ; intellectual ; group ; community ; digital humanities ; social network analysis




復刊10期=31期(2019 / 09 / 01)


257 - 299






Research on intellectuals and their thoughts has long been a key area with remarkable academic achievement, including attention to the nature and definition of intellectuals as a social class, as well as research on intellectuals' biographical writings. However, research on intellectual groups linked by interpersonal networks and different groups of people, is a new field that has just developed in recent years. Focusing on this emerging field of research, this paper attempts to mark the existing achievements, current research directions, and potential breakthroughs. Under such a goal, this paper specifically explores the following two aspects: first, the approaches adopted by existing literature when examining intellectuals and their groups, and the related research results; second, to demonstrate how tools in digital humanities, especially social network analysis, can be applied to future research. With this paper, the author aims to share his understanding of and experience with these tools used in digital humanities.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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