
佛利爾美術館虎形玉覆面和畢安祺(Carl Whiting Bishop)的新鄭之旅


A Tiger-Shaped Jade Face Covering in the Freer Gallery of Art and Carl Whiting Bishop's Trip to Xinzheng




陳傳揚(Chen, Helena Chuan-Yang)


玉器 ; 玉虎 ; 收藏史 ; 考古學史 ; 佛利爾美術館 ; 畢安祺 ; Chinese jade ; jade tiger ; collecting history ; history of archaeology ; Freer Gallery of Art ; Carl Whiting Bishop




復刊12期=33期(2021 / 09 / 01)


213 - 248




1923年2月,美國佛利爾美術館(Freer Gallery of Art)研究員畢安祺(Carl Whiting Bishop, 1881-1942)在該館與波士頓美術館聯合贊助之下,前往中國進行田野考古調查。在探訪河南新鄭李家樓遺址時,畢安祺發現了一枚小型虎形玉器。筆者有幸在佛利爾美術館庫房中找到這枚從未被發表、展出的玉虎,以及伴出的兩枚薄玉片。它們一同被畢氏帶離考古現場,並被納入佛利爾美術館的館藏,構成該館鮮為人知的「新鄭器群」。本文探討畢氏所獲之春秋早期玉虎的功能、製作、風格、發掘以及收藏經過。由於佛利爾玉虎與薄玉片、扁玉珠及貨貝伴出,筆者推測其曾被用作「玉覆面」,覆蓋於墓主人頭部以保護屍體。此玉虎的製作很可能借鑒同時期具有相似「弓身」造型的玉虎,其正、反兩面的不同,體現了工匠製器時的自我修正與反思。畢安祺之所以能夠在當局嚴密的軍事管控下將玉虎帶離現場,歸因於河南官員與學者發掘時對青銅器以外器物的相對漠視、發掘過程中缺乏規範的紀錄、行政效率低下和指令不明確,以及中國缺乏文物保護的相關法律。本文亦將畢安祺把玉虎納入佛利爾美術館收藏一事的意義放入「收藏道德」和「入藏歸類」的領域討論。


In February, 1923, Carl Whiting Bishop (1881-1942), curator at the Freer Gallery of Art, set sail for China to conduct an archaeological expedition, co-sponsored by the Freer Gallery and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. During his visit to the Lijialou site in Xinzheng, Henan province, he found a tiny piece of jade tiger, and recorded it in his reports. My study explores the "life cycle" of this early Spring and Autumn period (771-476 BCE) jade tiger, which has never been published, studied, or displayed since it entered the Freer Gallery's collection. My study illustrates the production, form, functionality, discovery, and collecting history of the tiger. The tiger was probably manufactured by copying contemporaneous objects, a process involving reinterpretation and self-revision by the artisan. Based on its associate finds recorded in Bishop's unpublished manuscript and photographs, I suggest that the jade tiger was used in a face-covering (fumian 覆面) to protect the deceased against evil spirits. Along with the tiger, two thin jade plaques were also taken by Bishop and eventually entered into the Freer Gallery's permanent collection. Under strict military control, Bishop still managed to remove the pieces from the site. This was due to Henan officials and scholars' attitudes: they were relatively uninterested in non-bronze obects; an organized field recording system was lacked; in the absence of related laws in heritage preservation, the administration of local officials was inefficient. My study also analyzes the collecting history of the Freer Gallery's jade tiger from the perspective of collecting ethics and aesthetic choice.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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