


The Development of Chinese Associations in France after 2000: Changing Functions and Limitations under the French Republican Model




王睿斐(Wang, Rui-Fei)


法國華人協會 ; 法國共和制模式 ; 協會功能變化 ; 協會功能侷限 ; Chinese associations in France ; the French republican model ; change of association functions ; limitations of association functions




復刊13期=34期(2022 / 09 / 01)


123 - 167






The French Chinese associations emerged in response to the settlement of a large number of Chinese immigrants in France that started to feel homesick. The main types of associations were initially assembly halls, native-places associations, clan associations, and commercial guilds, and their functions were initially focused on the gathering and exchange of information among fellow countrymen and clansmen. After the Second World War, as the French economy was soaring and the structure of Chinese immigration changed, the composition and related functions of Chinese associations in France likewise changed, partly in response to the demands of the French model of integration of immigrants - the republican model, partly in response to the demands of the French Chinese in the government, and partly in response to the challenges faced by the Chinese in the French integration crisis. One of the biggest differences is that the French Chinese associations had the additional function of defending rights and participating in politics. This paper aims to examine the process of how the functions of the Chinese associations in France transformed, and the challenges faced by the French government and the Chinese in France in this process.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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