


From Frontier to Inland: A Case Study of the Jinjiang Academy's Construction in the Huili Area during the Qing Dynasty




鄭豪(Zheng, Hao)


清代會理 ; 金江書院 ; 華夏邊緣 ; 內地化 ; 方志書寫 ; 「大一統」歷史觀 ; Huili in Qing Dynasty ; JinJiang Academy ; the edge of Hua Xia ; inland-changing ; the writing of local gazetteers ; historical view of "Great Unification"




復刊13期=34期(2022 / 09 / 01)


45 - 77






Huili is located to the south of Sichuan, on "the edge of Hua Xia". The Qing dynasty bureaucratic gentry did not only participate in the establishment of academic academies, presiding over their education and economy, they also used gazetteers to strengthen the historical memory of politics and culture. This shaped the local "Yi-Xia" concept and cultural identity. Social turmoils in the Xianfeng Period prompted local elites to transform the experience of the collective suffering of the Han people into a tool for a cohesive ethnic identity. These collective memories were written in the local gazetteers and became an important resource for maintaining the Confucian orthodoxy and constructing the "Great Unification" view of history through preaching by the local gentry. After the administration of Huili was returned to officials sent by the Qing, academies had been constructed, and gazetteers restored the historical memory and cultural identity, Huili was finally considered as "inland". The ups and downs of the JinJiang Academy's history can be used as an important case to observe the transformation and characteristics of the Qing's state building.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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