The use of creative movement and dance as a teaching/learning approach in school settings is an example of holistic teaching that integrates kinesthetic, dance, verbal and nonverbal activities. Creative movement is an active approach to teaching varied content and subjects (science, language, mathematics, social studies, art, and music) by means of the body. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is recognized as one of our multiple intelligences, but is one of the most undervalued at our schools. This paper highlights the importance of the creative movement teaching approach in child development and includes an overview of certain theories, approaches and practices that emphasize the use of the body and movement in the learning process. This paper also presents some new research findings about the human brain, findings that highlight the use of kinesthetic lessons and active learning through creative movement in the classroom. A qualitative research study about the use of the creative approach in primary school was performed on a sample of 148 Slovenian primary school teachers, who attended the workshops on creative movement. This paper presents the teachers' views on the changes they observed in the classroom when using creative movement as a teaching approach. The results showed positive effects on the educational process and in different areas of child development: the social-emotional, cognitive and psychomotor development. The results highlight that creative movement had the greatest impact on cognition. We conclude that creative movement as a teaching/learning approach can make the curriculum more tangible, accessible, memorable, and affective for children.
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