


A Study on Sports Consciousness of College Student in China Shanghai Area




王建畯(Chien-Chun Wang);藍碧玉(Pi-Yu Lan);吳惠櫻(Hui-Ying Wu);陳麒文(Chi-Wen Chen)


運動意識 ; 運動喜好 ; 運動態度 ; 運動價值觀 ; 運動認知 ; sports consciousness ; sports preference ; sports attitude ; value concept of sports ; sports cognition


Journal of Data Analysis


4卷3期(2009 / 06 / 01)


15 - 33




本研究之主要目的,在於探討上海地區大專院校學生運動意識,特選訂上海地區之著名大學,如上海大學、復旦大學、上海外貿學院、東華大學及同濟大學等5所大學院校學生進行運動意識之調查研究,主要內容包含受訪者對於運動的喜好、運動的習慣、運動的價值觀、與對運動的認知,並以研究者自編之「大學院校學生運動意識之調查問卷」為工具,進行資料之收集,共得893份有效問卷。資料處理工具為SPSS for Windows 12.0統計軟體,並以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析(One-way ANOVA)等統計方法處理後再加以分析討論,結果如下獲致之:一、中國上海地區大專院校學生最常從事的運動種類與原因等7項喜好分析,其中80.3%之上海地區大專院校學生平常會觀賞運動比賽或從事活動。二、中國上海地區大專院校學生規律參與運動之次數、激烈程度、時段及地點等11項態度分析,規律參與運動的學生占34.3%,偶而參與者占65.7%。三、中國上海地區大專院校學生對於運動的價值觀,依序為「公平」、「運動精神」、「團隊凝聚力」等;對於運動可獲得的價值,依序為「健康」、「愉悅」、「友伴」、等。四、中國上海地區大專院校學生在運動認知上以「生活適應」的得分最高。而不同性別之上海地區大專院校學生在整體運動認知態度上有顯著差異,男性的運動認知態度高於女性。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the sports consciousness of college students in 5 universities of China Shanghai. The main contents include the College Students' sports preference, sports habit, value concept of sports, and sports cognition. A researcher-designed instrument, ”The Survey Questionnaire of the College Students' Sports Consciousness in Northern Taiwan”, was used in data collection. There were 893 valid questionnaires. The data process tool was SPSS for Windows 12.0, and the means values, standardized scores, percentage, relative frequency, t-test, and one-way ANOVA were used for data analysis. The results were followed: 1. The college students in China Shanghai who participated to sports and reason in which the college students in China Shanghai who viewed sports in mean time were (80.3%) 2. The college students in China Shanghai who participated to sports regularly were (34.3%), and who participated to sports in sometimes were(65.7%). 3. In the top three sports values in China Shanghai college students were in order of fair, sportsmanship, and collectivism. In the top three values from sports in Shanghai college students were in order of health, pleasure, and partner. 4. In the sports cognition, the college students considered that the life fitness were the most cognition of sports. There were significant difference in sports cognition in different gender, and the male had the higher satisfaction with significant than female.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 管理學
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