In recently, professional IC Design has certainly become a new developing industry. It comes from one design mode of horizontal SCM, as well as gathering professional designers' spirit and cooperating efficient management. IC Design often can make outstanding performance and tremendous profits with small capital. It has one of kind industry specialty due to this line of business doesn't need to invest many facility of horizontal starting business can be only by million to ten million dollars.This study is IC Design supply chain partner relationship. IC Design is one of horizontal SCM. From the products design to other process of manufacture, they all are authorized to manufacture by factories. It's different from supply chain of traditional manufacture. IC Design should control each procedure stage and SCM is crucial obviously.The object of this study is small-middle scale IC Design. To make a study of the challenge of special horizontal SCM and uncertain fuzzy partner relationship they're facing, analyze the relative factors of supply chain partner affect performance for IC Design. This study used Delphi technique to analysis and synthesis results of the data. Including (1) Uncertain fuzzy partner relationship; (2) Information feedback integration; (3) Management and service; (4) Quick response and (5) Technology to analyzing, the importance of each aspect to realize the relative reason of influencing productive effects between IC design and coworker relying on AHP. There were ten experts' opinions in IC industries were gathered, they help to provide useful opinions on the domain report and provide implications.
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