


A Study on the Segmentation of Complex Leisure Athletics Market




林效荷(Hsiao-Ho Lin);江志民(Chih-Ming Chiang);夏學理(Hsueh-Li Hsia)


複合式休閒運動 ; 潛在顧客 ; 市場區隔 ; 集群分析 ; Complex Leisure Athletics Market ; Potential Customers ; Market Segmentation ; Cluster Analysis


Journal of Data Analysis


4卷5期(2009 / 10 / 01)


165 - 195




現代人工作繁忙,加上工作時數長,因此,相對的在非工作時間,強烈追求健康的企圖心也就慢慢地萌芽。從事運動性的休閒活動,不僅可以放鬆身心、忘卻煩惱,亦可擺脫一成不變的生活型態,也兼具有娛樂、滿足成就感、社交功能、改善健康等諸多效果,是其他類型的休閒活動所無法相抗衡的一種獨特活動內容。從現代化經營的角度來看,複合式休閒運動館除了提供運動使用外,還結合多種附屬設施如:餐飲、展覽、電子遊樂器等複合式經營,以滿足消費者的需求,也就是現代化經營特點中的多元性與整體性。本研究針對休閒活動及運動型態進行市場區隔,找出各群的特性;探討「複合式休閒運動館」潛在顧客,在不同類型市場區隔之下,「複合式休閒運動館」需求之間的差異;並利用Text Mining探討休閒俱樂部的營運困境及休閒運動產業未來發展趨勢。綜合而言,受訪者對「複合式休閒運動館」的遊憩需求,會受到個人的遊憩認知所影響,因此,可朝加強民眾對「複合式休閒運動館」的了解,進而產生遊憩需求,提供符合期待的遊憩服務。


People work busily and the working hour is so long, therefore, relative in the non-working hours, having strong demand pursues a healthy. It can not only relax, but also have entertainment and satisfied achievement, social capability, better health and many other effects by leisure athletics activities. In order to satisfy consumer demand, complex leisure athletics hall is not only provide athletics, but also combined with a wide range of extra facilities such as food and beverage, exhibitions, electronic games and other complex management.In this study, according to the pattern of Leisure Athletics for the market segmentation which define the characteristics of the cluster. In different types of the market segmentation, the potential customers of complex leisure athletics hall difference in the demand of complex athletics leisure hall. Using Text Mining explores the management difficulty of leisure club and the future development of Athletics Leisure industry.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 管理學
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