


A Study on Media Placements of the Arts at Sanlih Television Station




浦天慶(Tian-Ching Pu);夏學理(Jerry H. Hsia)


藝文新聞 ; 置入性行銷 ; 政策行銷 ; 藝術行銷 ; the Arts ; Media Placements ; dilemma


Journal of Data Analysis


5卷1期(2010 / 02 / 01)


53 - 76






The concept of public policy marketing stems from the development of the concept of marketing. When implementing public policy, government could use the concept of corporate marketing strategy and treat the public policy as a ”product”. In this case, government acts as a marketer to use resources and channels to promote the public policy, convince public policy target audience and ordinary people, and enhance people's favorable impression in order to achieve the desired goals of the public policy. This study examines the mass media purchases by the Council for Cultural Affairs to promote its art policies and art activities, and to further achieve its goals set for both public policy marketing and art marketing. Based on this argument, this thesis uses Cultural Information Television Program Media Marketing Project as target to analyze the art news project report produced by Sanlih Television Station in 2007, its art news content and random samples of viewership rate, and conducts deep interview analysis. At the same time, this analysis allows the researcher to study the effect and outcome of the marketing strategy of media placement of the arts and to provide guidance to the Council for Cultural Affairs to form future mass media marketing strategy. In this thesis, the researcher also studies the dilemma that Taiwanese art groups face when they market art and provide suggestion to help art groups' future marketing from the perspective of media personnel.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 管理學
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