


A Study on Sports Consciousness of College Student in Mainland China




王建畯(Chien-Chun Wang)


運動意識 ; 運動價值觀 ; 運動認知 ; sports consciousness ; sports preference ; sports attitude ; value concept of sports ; sports cognition


Journal of Data Analysis


5卷1期(2010 / 02 / 01)


77 - 97




本研究之主要目的乃針對中國地區11所大專院校學生進行運動意識之調查,主要內容包含受訪者對於運動的價值觀與對運動的認知,並以研究者自編之「中國地區大專院校學生運動意識之調查問卷」加以調查,資料共收集有效問卷1,524份。本資料以SPSS for Windows 12.0統計軟體處理,進行描述性統計(Descripeive Statistics)、獨立樣本t檢定(t-est)、單因子變異數分析(One-way ANOVA)等統計方法處理及分析,結果發現:一、中國地區大專院校學生對於運動的價值觀,前五名依序為「公平」、「運動精神」、「團隊凝聚力」、「信心」、和「享受」。二、中國地區大專院校學生對於運動可獲得的價值,前五名依序為「健康」、「愉悅」、「友伴」、「休閒」、和「友誼」。三、中國地區大專院校學生在運動認知上以「生活適應」的得分為最高。四、不同性別之中國地區大專院校學生在運動認知上有顯著差異,且男性比女性的運動認知要高。五、不同年級之中國地區大專院校學生在運動認知上有顯著差異,且一年級比二年級、三年級、四年級的對運動促進「社會風氣」的認知要高。六、不同就學地區之中國地區大專院校學生在運動認知上有顯著差異,且北京市對上海市的運動認知較為高。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the sports consciousness of college students in 11 universities of Mainland China. A researcher-designed instrument, ”The Survey Questionnaire of the College Students' Sports Consciousness in Mainland China”, was used in data collection. There were 1,641 questionnaires sent to college students in 16 universities, and there were 1,524 valid questionnaires as well as the successful ratio with 92.87 %. The data process tool was SPSS for Windows 12.0, and the Descripeive Statistics, t-test, and one-way ANOVA were used for data analysis. The results were followed:1. The college students who participated to sports in past three months were 97.51%; otherwise, the college students who didn't participate to sports in past three months were 2.49%.2. The most six popular participated sports in order were badminton, basketball, running, strolling, bike riding and swimming.3. The first three reasons of the college students who participated to sports were in order for fun and converting mind, for health and physical strength, and for communication with friends or partners.4. The first three reasons of the college students who didn't participate to sports were in order for school studies, for disliking sports or physical education, and for no mate.5. The college students who viewed sports in mean time were 79.86 %.6. The most six popular spectacular sports in order were basketball, soccer, tennis, badminton, table tennis, and volleyball.7. The college students viewed sports through television frequently with the relatively frequency of 93.10.8. The most six popular sports that college students will want to participate in future were basketball, swimming, badminton, tennis, Outing, and Yoga in sequence.9. The college students who participated to sports regularly were 38.78 %.10. The college students who generally participated to sport two times per week were 27.23 %; the college students who generally participated to sport three times per week were 23.88 %.11. The college students who participated to sports for one hour to two hours each time took highest percentage of 56.93 %; the college students who participated to sports for one hour below each time took second place of 32.22 %.12. The college students who participated to sports with middle intensity grade took highest percentage of 36.93 %; the heavy intensity grade took second percentage of 21.16 %.13. The college students who participated to sports in the afternoon took highest percentage of 46.08 %; in the early morning took second percentage of 19.59 %.14. The college students who participated to sports with classmate were the highest percentage of 70.72 %; with no specific mate were the second percentage of 9.15 %.15. The college students participated to sports in school stadium with highest relative frequency 83.21.16. The college students reach the sporting spot to participate sports with the time-consuming of 10 minutes below, which took the highest percentage of 61.16 %; the second percentage of 29.83 % was 11 to 30 minutes.17. The college students who participated to sports had to pay fees with the percentage of 10.10 %; otherwise, they hadn't to pay any fee with the percentage of 89.90 %.18. The college students usually got the information regarding sports activities through television with the percentage of 58.43 %; the percentage of 18.29 % was through internet.19. The college students wanted to get the overseas competition news the most with the percentage of 59.80 %; the second was the sports guidance with the percentage of 32.01 %.20. In the top five sports values in college students were in order of fair, sportsmanship, cohesion, confidence, and enjoyment.21. In the top five values from sports in college students were in order of health, pleasure, partner, leisure, and friendship.22. In the sports cognition, the college students considered that the life fitness were the most cognition of sports.23. There were significant difference in sports cognition in different grade, and the 1st grade had the higher satisfaction with significant than 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade in social climate.24. There were significant difference in sports cognition in different attendance area, and the Beijing City had the higher satisfaction with significant than the Shanghai City

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 管理學
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