


Exploring the Influences of Willingness to Visit on Urban Image and Event Attraction by Mega Events




車成緯(Cheng-Wei Che);李青松(Ching-Sung Lee);陳玫蓉(Mei-Rong Chen)


城市意象 ; 活動吸引力 ; 參與意願 ; 大型活動 ; 臺北國際花卉博 ; Urban Image ; Event Attraction ; Willingness to Visit ; Mega Events ; Taipei International Flora Exposition


Journal of Data Analysis


6卷3期(2011 / 06 / 01)


31 - 50






Taiwan can be discovered as a multicultural nation with huge tourism potential and a large variety of characteristic features. Local government of each region has strived for the opportunity to promote and organize events or celebrations in its urban district. Take the Taipei government as an example, there were a series of activities to promote and make propaganda for the Taipei flora expo before its opening. This is a study of the impact on urban images to event attractions and willingness to visit in the Taipei city and its 2010 Flora Exposition. The survey evidence strongly suggests that the physical environment had been the most favorable among other urban images in Taipei. The public's participation for the event is relevantly high. In addition, Xinsheng Park areas had been received the highest remark among other attractions of the exposition areas. The findings provided evidence that urban images and event attractions are results of willingness to visit which are positively correlated. Moreover, the result demonstrates that tourist attractions mediate the influence of urban images and willingness to visit. In general, understanding the influence of urban images will help local government design events and activities that are compatible and associated with prevalent elements in order to create event attraction, and increase the willingness to visit effectively.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 管理學
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