


Using Piece-Wise Latent Growth Curve Model to Explore the Relationship between Health and Happiness in Adolescents




廖培珊(Pei-Shan Liao);林定香(Ting-Hsiang Lin)


自評健康狀況 ; 快樂感 ; 青少年 ; 潛在成長曲線模式 ; self-rated health ; happiness ; adolescents ; latent growth curve model


Journal of Data Analysis


7卷2期(2012 / 04 / 01)


29 - 52




本研究之目的在於以分段潛在成長曲線模式(Piecewise Latent Growth Curve Model)分析「臺灣青少年成長歷程研究計畫」之長期追蹤調查資料,來描繪青少年自評健康狀況與快樂感的成長趨勢,同時檢視青少年的自評健康狀況與快樂感在不同時點的因果關係。分析結果指出,青少年們在各年度的健康狀況與其快樂感有著正向的顯著關係,由分段潛在成長曲線模式的分析結果,可知青少年初始之自評健康狀況越佳者,其初始的快樂感也越高;而在變化趨勢的部分,從青少年國一到高二的階段,當自評健康狀況出現高低的變化趨勢時,快樂感的起伏也隨之變化。此外,性別對於自評健康狀況的初始狀況與變化均有顯著的影響效果;但是對快樂感則無顯著影響。有別於過去對青少年心理健康之研究,本研究將焦點放在正向的快樂感,深入剖析青少年快樂感與自評健康狀況的長期趨勢,並釐清兩者非線性的發展軌跡。未來研究亦可考慮其他重要因素可隨時間變異的平行變化,或穩定影響效果,以深入探討青少年的正向福祉。


This study attempts to depict the growth curve of adolescents' self-rated health and happiness within different periods by using survey data from a panel study-Taiwan Youth Project. Latent growth curve model(LCGM)is employed to examine the trajectories of adolescent self-rated health and happiness while examining the influence of each other at corresponding time point. The result of piecewise LCGM indicated that self-rated health had significantly positive effect on happiness at each time point. Also, the quadratic growth rate of self-rated health was positively associated with that of happiness for the first piece of LGCM. Gender had significant impacts on the initial status and the growth rates of health status but not on those of happiness. Unlike the previous studies that focused on the detrimental outcomes on individual well-being of adolescents, this study shed light on the positive consequences. By using panel data, the non-linear relationship between self-rated health and happiness among adolescents has been revealed. Future research may take into account more time-(in)variant factors to further understand the subjective well-being of adolescents.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 管理學
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