As the increase of the economy, wages and consumer price, the pressure of Inflation causes production and marketing cost to increase. In addition, after joined the WTO, Taiwan faced the trend of trade liberalization, and had to compete against the whole world, this situation lead Taiwan to be confronted with a significant challenges. Therefore, to get correct and useful information, and grasp the changes of market supply and demand are able to react the changes in market.This study took cabbage for example, under the situation that full of uncertainty in the process of agricultural produce, regarded import and export trade, origin price, trading volume, and climate information as influence variables, and used data mining techniques to establish CRISP-DM process included regression analysis, time series, neural network, SVR and Random Forests and MARS prediction methods to find out the best agricultural forecasting model of crop price and yield. The results showed that MARS is the best model in Yield and SVR is the best model in price. This study expect the results can assist the related governmental units to obtain detailed price and yield early warning system quickly, and make countermeasure in advance, to improve the ability of agricultural information and production stability.
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