


A Survey Analysis of Gender Marketing on Performing Arts Audiences




夏學理(Jerry H. Hsia)


性別行銷 ; 表演藝術 ; 觀眾 ; Gender Marketing ; Performing Arts ; Audience


Journal of Data Analysis


8卷3期(2013 / 06 / 01)


27 - 57






Through a series of research projects ”performing arts industry chain, the producer output, and the performing arts participants” conducted by CCA Since 2004, it can be found that female audiences stand for the majority. In the meantime, the ”2008 Cultural Statistics” also indicates that the participation rates of female audiences are significantly higher than men in both ”high degree of participation” and ”potential audience”; and for the ”non-participants in the performing arts ”, it finds that men's ”non-performing arts participants” is 11% higher than women. Thus, it can be stated that the proportion of women audiences obviously surpass men's in performing arts.Based on the needs of audience development, this study choose ”gender” variable to be the core theme of the research. It is expected that through the understandings of the differences between purchase behavior and decision-making process based on this survey analysis of performing arts audiences, a better knowledge on purchase transactions in the promotion of gender and the key factors impeding the formation of purchase can be accrued. As a result, a gender marketing strategy based on research findings is then formed to focus on ”degrees of purchase involvement”, ”effectiveness of reaching target audiences”, in order to increase the probability of the marketing success.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 管理學
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