


Let New Taipei City Become a Happiness City




李慶華(Qing-Hua Li);胡義粉(Yi-Fen Hu)


Journal of Data Analysis


8卷4期(2013 / 08 / 01)


1 - 13




經濟合作發展組織(Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD)指出,衡量人民福祉的面向有三,包括物質生活條件、生活品質及可持續性。其中,一國的經濟實力或許可以用國內生產毛額(Gross Domestic Product, GDP)來衡量;但是唯有扣除污染或環境所造成的相關成本後的「綠色GDP」,才能呈現一國的經濟福祉;此外,聯合國在2000年「世界文化報告」(World Culture Report 2000)中,則提出編製「金色GDP」,用以衡量文化活動對人類發展及社會的影響。面對全球化競爭,只有展現城市文化的獨特性才能在全球化的情境中求生存。新北市於99年12月25日正式升格為直轄市,歷經100年度的整併、規畫、經費增加、人員到位等因素,在文化政策的推動與執行上更具優勢,造就101年度藝文活動辦理數量及推動藝文人次參與方面,成長皆逾20%以上的亮眼成績。此外,新北市府團隊透過在地文化與藝文活動的結合,利用藝文活動的軟實力積極形塑城市形象,朝向國際化都市而努力,101年度國外藝文團體或個人來新北市展演活動吸引2,297出席人次(千人次),較100年度則大幅成長近50%。為落實推動全民文化藝術扎根教育,新北市所屬公立博物館(園)於98年推出「藝遊博物館.發票做慈善」活動,民眾捐當月份發票即可免費入館;為使民眾享有均等之「文化公民權」,99年開放博物館(園)免費入場,進館人次相較97年則成長一倍。此外,100度和101年度因文化館舍數量大幅度增加,辦理藝文活動數量亦隨之增加,101年度藝文活動數量較100年度則大幅成長26%。本文藉由檢視相關的統計數據,予已整合分析,俾供未來施政措施規劃之參考依據。


Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) pointed out that there are three indexes for the welfare of the people: material living conditions, quality of life and sustainability. The economic power of the country may be able to be presented by the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) to, but only the ”green GDP” which deduct the pollution and the costs caused by environment can present economic well-being of a country. However, the United Nations proposed the ”World Culture Report 2000” to establish the ”golden GDP” in 2000 to measure the cultural activities on human development and the social impact. Faced with the fierce globalization competition, the only way to survive is showing the uniqueness of urban culture. New Taipei City was upgraded to a municipality on 12/25 in 2010. After consolidating, planning, increased funding and personnel in place, there is more superiority to push on executing the cultural policy. However, it is bring about the number of arts activities and participants growing up over 20% in 2012. In addition, the team of New Taipei City shapes the Image of the city activity by linking the local culture and arts activities for striving to become a cosmopolitan. Foreign arts groups or individuals who came to cultural events attract of New Taipei City attracted about 2,297 thousand people in 2012. It is more than the number of people in 2011 almost 50%. In order to promote the education of arts and culture, people can visit the public museum in New Taipei City for free by donating Invoice in 2009. For all people having the same rights, everyone can visit the public museum in New Taipei City for free. The people who visited the public museum in New Taipei City in 2009 doubled that in 2008. In addition, the number of arts activities in 2012 grew up 26% with that in 2011 because of building more and more cultural centers. This paper provides the reference for planning and the policy initiatives in the future by analysing the relevant statistical data.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 管理學
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