


Study of Consumption Power of Residential Houses in Cities in Taiwan




邱美甄(Mei-Chen Chiu);鄧家駒(Gia-khy Tang);張光昭(Kuang-Chao Chang);邱俊誠(Chun-Cheng Chiu)


消費力 ; 資料採礦 ; 房屋住宅消費力 ; 線性迴歸 ; 決策樹 ; 類神經網路 ; 群集 ; The ability of purchase ; Data Mining ; Consumption Power of Residential Houses ; Regression ; Decision Tree ; Artificial Neural Network ; Clustering


Journal of Data Analysis


8卷6期(2013 / 12 / 01)


41 - 72






Consumption that is to contain the country's overall development and speed to meet the material needs is public consumption, resulting in this study wanted to go in-depth study in Taiwan today, due to the direct use of national consumption-related data, easy to cover all the differences between urban areas, while the population of the city average consumption data, it tends to cover up the income scale clustering between consumer behavior and ability, therefore, this study as the main consumer economy faces, namely to explore the various towns for housing and residential consumption to what extent and its influencing factors analysis, consumption of residential housing is the overall economic and social prosperity reaction is significant, and the city can be seen that the activation asset transactions in the housing market hot degree.Given the overall economic environment, people are spending more and more important changes, this study will further the differences between each city village and its compartmentalized, and then to various cities in Taiwan area residents for housing and residential spending power to the various methods of data mining techniques after which the relevant variables to identify and use regression methods, such as decision tree modeling method, and then compare the best model to predict; and expect it to build the index, the index shows the study the differences in the characteristics of each urban village and order a variety of consumer point of consumption in order to provide a resident's home and learned that the subject of the spending power of urban village houses ups and downs, as well as real estate brokerage industry marketing house object reference, as well as some marketing companies operating decision maker's reference.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 管理學
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