


A Study of the Association between Pet-keeping Involvements and Sense of Responsibility among Junior High School Students




廖佩珊(Pei-San Liao);蔡易佑(Yi-Yu Tsai)


寵物飼養涉入 ; 責任感 ; 集群分析 ; 典型相關分析 ; Pet-Keeping Involvement ; Sense of Responsibility ; Cluster Analysis ; Canonical Correlation Analysis


Journal of Data Analysis


9卷2期(2014 / 04 / 15)


69 - 82






In order to explore the association between pet-keeping involvements and sense of responsibility, questionnaire survey had been conducted on junior high school students of Xinzhuang District in New Taipei city. Responses of 413 students selected by judgemental sampling were statistically analyzed by descriptive statistics, cluster analysis and canonical correlation analysis. The result showed: More than 50% of the students have pet-keeping experiences. Dog and aqua animals are the most popular. Pet-keeping experiences are not significantly different among demographical groups. Female student with siblings performs much better than the only-child on peer interactions with regard to sense of responsibility. As for personified pet-keeping involvements, the only-child participates much more deeply than male student with siblings. In addition, the association structure between pet-keeping involvements and sense of responsibility would be moderated by demographical characteristics.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 管理學
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