


Drive or Stress? The Influence of Parental and Self-expectations and Academic Self -esteem on Learning Performance and Stress of Junior High School Students




許哲耀(Che-Yao Hsu);鄧家駒(Gia-Khy Tang);陳郁婷(Yu-Ting Chen)


父母期望 ; 自我期望 ; 快樂程度 ; 青少年 ; 台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫 ; Parental-expectations ; Self-expectations ; Happiness ; Adolescence ; Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS)


Journal of Data Analysis


9卷5期(2014 / 10 / 01)


135 - 146




國中生父母與自我的教育期望會是提升國中生學習表現的動力,或者,反倒會增加國中生的身心壓力,使他們不快樂?本研究旨在探究國一生父母期望、自我期望、學業自信對國一生的學習表現、主觀快樂程度以及客觀身心壓力症狀間的相關與預測情形。本研究以台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫(Taiwan Education Panel Survey,簡稱TEPS)中之現成資料進行統計分析,採用TEPS中之國一生的學生問卷與父母問卷之題項與資料。主要研究發現:(1)不同背景之國一生,其父母期望、自我期望、學業自信有部分差異。(2)『自我期望』愈高之國一生,學習表現愈好,且客觀生理壓力愈少;國一生的『學業自信』愈高,學習表現愈好、主觀快樂程度愈高、客觀生理、心理壓力愈低。(3)國一生的父母期望、自我期望、學業自信兩兩間的一致或落差對國一生有何影響?分析發現『學業自信』高於『父母期望』與『自我期望』與『學業自信』間一致的國一生,其學習表現比其它組要好,也較快樂,身心壓力較少。(4)『自我期望』與『學業自信』都對學習表現具有解釋力,自我期望與學業自信愈高學習表現愈好;而『學業自信』對快樂程度、身心壓力症狀的預測力最高,當國一生的學業自信愈高,就愈快樂、身心壓力愈小。總之,國一生的『自我期望』與『學業自信』高低是影響學習表現的關鍵,而『學業自信』則是影響快樂程度與身心壓力的關鍵,『父母期望』不但對學習表現沒有正面影響,甚至還會增加國一生的心理壓力。因此,提高國一生的學業自信是增加學生學習動力並減少身心壓力的良藥。最後,依據本研究主要結果提出建議,提供家長、教育相關學術界、實務界及未來研究之參考。


Students in Junior high school are usually faced with certain expectations, both from their parents and themselves. Does the expectation drive them to study harder and perform better in school? Or does it cause them stress, makes them unhappy and actually perform worse? The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of expectation and self confidence on academic performance, stress level and happiness for junior high school students. Data used in this research were drawn from TEPS (Taiwan Education Panel Survey), the results from analysis showed: 1) Students with different backgrounds have different level of expectations from their parents and from themselves. 2) Expectations from student's parents had no direct correlation with their grades, happiness and stress level. On the other hand, students with higher level of expectations for themselves tend to perform better in school and are in general happier. 3) Students with high level of self expectation, high level of confidence but low level of expectation from parents showed the best performance in school in comparison to students with any other combinations. 4) Students academic performance is mainly influenced by self-expectation and happiness is mainly influenced by their confidence level. In conclusion, the key for better learning performance lies within their self confidence for junior high school students, and confidence level is the major factor controlling their happiness and stress level. In this research, expectation come from students' parents showed little to no influence on their grades and/or mental status. All in all, using the method and the results in this research, suggestion will be made to improve the current educational system and to assist for any future studies.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 管理學
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