


Construct the Theoretical Model of Theory Planned Behavior to Discuss Tourists' Decision Behavior on Visiting a Sightseeing Factory




鍾政偉(Cheng-Wei Chung);曾宗德(Tzong-Der Tzeng);劉嘉麒(Chia-Chi Liu)


觀光工廠 ; 計畫行為理論 ; 品牌聯想 ; Sightseeing factory ; Theory of planned behavior ; Brand Association


Journal of Data Analysis


10卷3期(2015 / 06 / 01)


1 - 22






Due to the growth and transition of the economy in recent years, many traditional manufacturing industries transitioned into service-type industries one after another. Also, the consciousness of tourist leisure life for people rises, and the government promotes the tourist policy, so a sightseeing factory becomes an option of new leisure life. However, sightseeing factories are relatively strange tourist destinations to most of tourists, so they are relatively easier to be ignored in a tourist's decision. Even if the sightseeing factory contains larger brand awareness, the impact of brand to the tourist's decision is still unknown. Therefore, this study focuses on the discussion between brand association and project behavior theory. The research purpose of this study is mainly to discover the relationship and impact effect of the brand association of sightseeing factories and tourists on their tourist decision. The research takes the visitors of Ping Huang Coffee Tourism Factory in Taiwan as sample. 409 effective questionnaires were received. The linear structure equation was used to analyze data. The research results showed that brand association provides positive significant impact on the attitude of project behavior theory, subjective norm, and conscious behavior control. Also, the attitude of project behavior theory, subjective norm and conscious behavior control provide positive significant impact on behavior intention. Behavior intention can positively and significantly impact actual behavior. In the analysis of mediation effect, the research results discovered that the indirect effect for the brand association to impact behavior intention through attitude is significantly greater than the one for the brand to impact behavior intention directly. It contains partial intermediary effect. Finally, this research proposed management implication and future research direction to academic and practical circles for future reference.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 管理學
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