
運用R Shiny建立文字探勘平台之語意分析及輿情分析


Semantic analysis and Public opinion analysis under the R Shiny Text Mining Platform




陳譽晏(Yu-Yan Chen)


文字探勘 ; 大數據 ; 語意分析 ; 輿情分析 ; 資料採礦 ; Text Mining ; Big Data ; Semantic analysis ; Public opinion analysis ; Data Mining


Journal of Data Analysis


10卷6期(2015 / 12 / 01)


51 - 78




隨著資訊時代的快速進步,伴隨而來的就是資料量的大量產生,我們稱之為大數據時代。在大量的資料中,存在著數字型態的結構化資料和文字、聲音、影像的非結構化資料。而處理結構化資料的方法已經有千百種;在處理非結構化資料方面,相對於數字型態的結構化資料,較為有限且棘手,分析的方法也佔少數。為了處理龐大的文字資料,利用本研究的文字探勘平台,將可以快速的從資料中探討其重要意義。本研究先利用Ubuntu進行平台的架設,再利用R Shiny建構文字探勘平台。接著將台積電的新聞資料,予以匯入文字探勘平台中,並跑出一連串之分析,如詞雲分析、集群分析、脈絡分析、關聯分析、情感分析和動態圖表等,從文字探勘的分析方法中,探討匯入的文本資料之意義。


With the rapid advances in the information age, accompanied by the amount of data generated, we call the Big Data Era. In a lot of information, there is the number patterns of structured data, and the text, the sound, the images of unstructured data. The processing methods of structured data have been in countless. But in dealing with unstructured data is more limited and difficult. The methods of analysis is also a minority. In order to handle huge text data, we can use the Text Mining Platform of this study. You will be able to quickly explore the significance from the text data. In this study, I not only use the Ubuntu system to set up the platform, but also I use R Shiny to construction the Text Mining Platform. Then I import the public information material of TSMC in the Text Mining Platform, and it will run a series of analyzes. Such as, word cloud analysis, cluster analysis, LDA analysis, association analysis, sentiment analysis and motion charts.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 管理學
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