The Pingtung Performing Arts Center was built in 2016. The design is presented as a venue with two piano-like bullets, it naturally produces light and shadow effects, and is surrounded by two main buildings with a share like a Chinese word "埕". In addition to the exterior buildings, the exhibition hall of the Pingtung Performing Arts Center has the second largest organ in the country. In addition to the main structure of the main organ of the organ itself and 2793 sound tube fittings, it also has two unique special plugs in the world. It is also called "Flute Formosa", also known as "Formosa Taiwan Flute". This flute is also the first amazement in the world to match 36 bamboos and 25 tin alloy sound tubes. However, in this type of performance center, in addition to the above, it needs to have a certain level in each hardware device. Furthermore, it is also required to reach the relative level in software, and is based on the service quality of the library personnel. Looking at the above, the author conducted interviews with the audience based on the audience who had visited the performance center, and applied the Kano two-dimensional quality model to explore the service quality attributes of the Pingtung Performing Arts Center. The questionnaire survey was conducted to understand the audience for the Pingtung Performing Arts Center. What is the importance attached to each service element? According to the statistical results, the Pingtung Performing Arts Center has 15 quality attributes, 6 attractive quality elements, 5 non-differential quality elements, and 3 quality elements.
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