


Development Strategy of Handmade Experience Based on the Flow Theory




鍾政偉(Cheng-Wei Chung);蔡恩祈(En-Chi Tsai);蔡宜吟(Yi-Yin Tsai);張文仁(Wen-Ren Zhang);石沛澐(Pei-Yun Shi);孫憶涵(Yi-Han Sun)


心流理論(Flow) ; 手作活動(Manual Experience) ; 修正式模糊德爾菲法(MFDM) ; 詮釋結構模式(ISM) ; 網路層級分析法(ANP) ; Flow theory ; Manual Experience ; Modified Fuzzy DelphiMethod (MFDM) ; Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) ; Analytic NetworkProcess (ANP)


Journal of Data Analysis


16卷3期(2021 / 12 / 01)


1 - 27






Modern people have found pleasure in hand-made experiences that are not only heartwarming, but also bring forth special memories. This study used the flow theory as the connotation to develop a strategy for handmaking experience development. Through understanding the mood changes of participants during their experience, the flow theory was used to construct the development strategy of handmaking experience. First, 25 criteria of five dimensions were set up based on the preliminary evaluation factors collected from the literature. Second, the modified fuzzy Delphi method (MFDM), the interpretive structural modeling (ISM), and the analytic network process (ANP) were applied to establish the final expert criteria framework. The interrelationships were analyzed and the final weights were calculated, so that a future strategy can be implemented in a clear and efficient way, and the participants can gain a deeper experience from the hand-made process. The scheme evaluation obtained according to ANP shows thatindustrial experience type (A4)> dainty and delicate type (A3) > fragrant type (A2) > food feast type (A1). Hence, industrial experience is regarded as a priority development direction. Schemes that offerbetter performance in the criteria evaluation indicate the advantages and highlights of the current development and should help achieve the concept of sustainable and innovative hand-made experience development.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 管理學
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