






簡位先(Wei-Hsien Chien);施以諾(Yi-Nuo Shih);汪開勛(Kai-Hsun Wang);鄭宛昀(Wan-Yun Zheng);王嘉琳(Chia-Ling Wang);謝邦昌(Ben-Chang Shia);丁台怡(Tai-I Ting);陳麒文(Chi-Wen Chen)


兒童身心健康指數 ; 身體健康 ; 心理健康 ; 信效度分析 ; Children's Physical and Mental Health Index ; Physical health ; Mental health ; Reliability and Validity Analysis


Journal of Data Analysis


18卷1期(2023 / 04 / 01)


75 - 97






This study mainly focused on the assessment of children's physical and psychological aspects, and adopts the six aspects of the "Children's World Report" mental health scale to evaluate children's mental health status, and divides the factors that affect children's psychology into family, peers. Different aspects such as environment and community, through questionnaire survey, pay attention to the impact of epidemic prevention life on the psychological development of children aged 9-12 in Taiwan, such as peer relationship, online social interaction, school life, etc., and target domestic Conduct research on foreign literature and conduct questionnaire surveys, and transform the questionnaire results into a quantitative measurement index "Children's Physical and Mental Health Index" to analyze children's mental health development. And compare it with the 2021 children's physical and mental health index survey, and continue to explore the impact on children during the epidemic. The survey results show that the top three aspects of children's physical and mental health with the highest scores in 2022 are "peer relationship", "sleep habits" and "family life"; exercise habits". Compared with 2021, children's performance in physical and mental health has deteriorated. Both 2021 and 2022 will be greatly impacted by the epidemic. In this study, none of the physical and mental health indicators increased, and even 8 physical and mental health indicators The decrease in the index does not rule out that the pressure caused by the successive years of the epidemic on parents and children may be the reason why the performance of the children's physical and mental health index in 2022 will be lower than that in 2021, which deserves the attention of the government and the people of the country.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 管理學
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