


An Exploratory Study on Developing Game-Based Mathematical Culture Lesson Plans for Cultivating Quantitative and Algebraic Literacy




陳東賢(Tung-Shyan Chen)


代數教案 ; 悅趣化學習 ; 數量與代數素養 ; 數學文化 ; 數學魔術 ; lesson plans for algebra ; game-based learning ; quantitative and algebraic literacy ; mathematical culture ; mathematical magic




8卷1期(2021 / 04 / 01)


55 - 78






This research was based on a 12-year compulsory education syllabus in the field of mathematics, and it integrated mathematical culture to develop game-based lesson plans to cultivate students' inductive reasoning ability for quantitative and algebraic literacy. The teaching plans for "Mathematical Card Magic" and "Chinese Ring of Chinese Puzzle Games" were given to Taiwanese junior and senior high school students, respectively. This research was a theoretical and reflexive study on the implementation of the two quantitative and algebraic teaching plans. The results of the study demonstrated that most students were receptive of the teaching activities. The activities helped to cultivate students' inductive reasoning ability and improve their quantitative and algebraic literacy. The use of mathematical card magic was a new experience for many junior high school students. Combining the concept of number sequences in Grade 8 can effectively arouse students' interest in learning and study, cultivate students' ability of inductive reasoning, and then apply the patterns of mathematics to perform magic tricks. High school students can develop observation, exploration, discovery, analysis, and communication skills by operating the Chinese ring. Teaching activities can link the concepts of logarithm, number sequences, and series and recursions in Grade 10. However, some students made mistakes in mathematical representation. It remains difficult for Grade 12 high school students to do more in-depth, abstract algebra thinking.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 數學
社會科學 > 教育學
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