This study was conducted to investigate three-year-old children's development of basic geometric shape recognition (i.e., square, rectangle, triangle, and circle). Specifically, we examined whether three-year-old children were able to reliably recognize these geometric shapes varied in sizes and orientations, examined the order of conceptual development of these geometric shapes, and examined the factors affecting three-year-children's recognition performance. Forty-two preschoolers (M = 3 years 10 months) from southern Taiwan participated. The participants were asked to recognize each shape from example and non-example cards created by the researchers. Results indicated that while three-year-old children were able to successfully recognize typical geometrical shapes, they were still unable to reliably and flexibly recognize these geometric shapes varied in sizes and orientations. The results also showed three-year-old children's concept of circles was developed first, followed by those of triangles, rectangles, and lastly squares. In addition, orientations of the shapes significantly affected three-year-children's recognition performance.
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