
以PISA 2012探究臺灣學生性情經歷因素對數學焦慮之影響


Using PISA 2012 to Explore the Effects of Dispositional Antecedents on Taiwanese Students' Mathematics Anxiety




林郁婷(Yu-Ting Lin);龔心怡(Hsin-Yi Kung)


性情經歷因素 ; 國際學生能力評量計畫2012 ; 數學焦慮 ; dispositional antecedents ; PISA 2012 ; mathematics anxiety




9卷2期(2022 / 10 / 01)


33 - 62




本研究以Cemen(1987)所提出的數學焦慮反應模式為理論基礎,探討臺灣學生的性情經歷因素對數學焦慮之預測,以PISA 2012填答B式問卷之2,011位臺灣學生為研究樣本,依據相關理論及文獻建構性情經歷因素之高階模式,及性情經歷因素對數學焦慮的結構模式。藉由結構方程模式分析後,整體模式所獲得的適配度指標顯示模式可被接受,獲致的結果如下,第一,性情經歷因素之高階因素成立,可由「數學自信」、「數學態度」、「成就歸因」三個二階分構念代表,其中「數學態度」又由五個一階次構念所組成;第二,臺灣學生性情經歷因素與數學焦慮之結構模式成立,學生的性情經歷因素對數學焦慮具有顯著且負向的直接預測。本研究最後根據研究結果提出建議,供教師與學生及後續研究之參考。


Based on the mathematical anxiety response model proposed by Cemen (1987), this study explored the effects of dispositional antecedents on Taiwanese students' mathematics anxiety. The study participants were 2,011 Taiwanese students who completed the student questionnaire form B in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 dataset. A higher-order model of the dispositional antecedents and a structural model of the dispositional antecedents on students' mathematics anxiety were constructed. Utilizing the structural equation modeling, the results indicated as follows. First, the higher-order model of dispositional antecedents can be represented by the three second-order sub-factors of "mathematical confidence," "mathematical attitude," and "achievement attribution," with "mathematical attitude" composed of five first-order sub-factors. Second, the structural model of Taiwanese students' dispositional antecedents and mathematical anxiety had a reasonable fit. Students' dispositional antecedents had significant and negative direct effects on mathematical anxiety. Further, the implications of these findings were discussed and recommendations were made for teachers, students, and future researchers.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 數學
社會科學 > 教育學
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