


An Investigation into the Performances of Sixth Graders in Answering Literacy-oriented Assessments in Mathematics




吳正新(Jeng-Shin Wu);謝佳叡(Chia-Jui Hsieh);黃宇康(Yu-Kang Huang)


錯誤類型 ; 數學素養 ; 數學素養導向評量 ; error types ; mathematics literacy ; mathematical literacy-oriented assessment




9卷2期(2022 / 10 / 01)


87 - 111






The 108-year syllabus puts emphasis on enhancing students' abilities in solving real-life problems by applying the knowledge and skills learned in school. However, apart from PISA, there is no formal literacy-oriented assessment tools that can be used to assess students' mathematics literacy of in the third learning stage of elementary school. Therefore, in this study we use the 188 items developed by the National Academy for Educational Research and the relevant test results to investigate: (1) the difference in students' performances between the multiple-choice and non-multiple-choice questions, (2) the difference in students' performances of items which are developed with different situations, and (3) the types of mistakes students make when they try to answer. This study found that students' scoring rate of non-multiple-choice questions is 20% less than that of multiple-choice questions. For different situational items, the students' performances in the social and public realm, and in shopping and business activities are better, with the average scoring rates of more than 40%. Beside these two situational items, the average scoring rates in other situations are all less than 40%. Finally, when students try to answer non-multiple-choice questions but cannot get full scores, the common types of errors can be roughly divided into four types: errors in misconceptions, errors in intuitive inferences, errors in unit conversions, and errors in calculation processes.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 數學
社會科學 > 教育學
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