


Examine the Underwriting Risk of the Property and Casualty Insurance Industry in Taiwan: The Case of Automobile Insurance




賴丞坡(Paul Cheng-Po Lai);林文昌(Wen-Chang Lin)


風險值 ; 損失率 ; 汽車保險 ; 蒙地卡羅模擬 ; 系統風險 ; Value at Risk ; Loss Ratio ; Automobile Insurance ; Monte Carlo Simulation ; Systematic Risk




8卷3期(2006 / 11 / 01)


205 - 231






Using Value at Risk (VaR) as a tool of risk measurement has gained increasingly attention not only in the bank industry but also in the insurance industry, in which underwriting risk is also known as the most critical risk in the property and casualty insurance industry. However, one of the shortcomings in previous studies is that the loss data frequency appears to be low, thereby, significant bias may produce when measuring actual risk. In this paper, we use monthly loss data for the automobile insurance in Taiwan to calculate underwriting loss ratio-at-risk. Since it is generally believed to be a more adequate measurement in risk management, we find that the loss ratio-at-risk based on annual data are significantly underestimated. In the additional cross-sectional analysis, we find that some firm's characteristics may be closely related to the underwriting loss ratio-at-risk. Finally, we also discover that the underwriting beta based on monthly data is significant different from zero which is inconsistent with zero beta result from annual data. Our findings can give important sights for regulators as well as firm managers when they are making decisions about pricing and risk management.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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