


The Effect of Supplier Management on Purchasing Risk, Technological Capacity and Performance




李正文(Cheng-Wen Lee);林麗蘭(Li-Lan Lin)


供應商管理 ; 採購風險 ; 技術能力 ; Supplier Management ; Purchasing Risk ; Technological Capacity




8卷3期(2006 / 11 / 01)


263 - 291




隨著JIT 採購、供應商管理、快速回應等的發展,以及企業的競爭環境日益激烈,供應鏈中最頻繁且重要的環節莫過於採購活動。企業除了成本競爭優勢考量外,必須有效地運用供應商管理來降低採購風險,以及提升技術能力與績效。本研究是以國內製造業中之電腦週邊設備類、半導體及通信器材類之廠商為探討對象,採用問卷調查方式,共發出300份問卷,有效回收問卷97份(有效回收率為32.3%)。首先,進行敘述性統計和信度及效度分析,接著利用因素分析縮短原始資料的構面,萃取出觀察變數項,最後以線性結構模式來驗證11項研究假說與模型配適度,探討行為基礎管理、緩衝導向管理、資訊科技管理對採購風險、技術能力與績效的影響。研究結果發現H4和H5不成立,行為基礎管理或緩衝導向管理雖可降低採購風險,影響績效,但卻無法提升技術能力。藉由本研究的實證結果,瞭解到供應商管理機制的建立,對於企業在採購過程中的風險管理和技術能力,以及績效均有重要的影響。


Owing to the emergence of JIT program and supplier management, and more competitive environment, ”purchasing” activity is the most important part within a supply chain. Effective supplier management can reduce purchasing risk and increase technological capacity and performance. A survey was conducted to electronics firms, information technology firms and semiconductor located in Taiwan. This research adopts factor analysis and structural equation model to verify the research framework and 11 hypotheses using the data collected from 97 companies. Consequently, Hypotheses 4 and 5 are not supported. The results of this research reveal that behavior-based management and buffer-oriented management significantly influence purchasing risk and performance, but there are unrelated with technological capacity. This study attempts to provide some managerial suggestions for purchasing decision-makers in supplier management.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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