
The Dynamic Relationships between Gold Return and U.S. Dollar Depreciation






李源明(Yuan-Ming Lee);王冠閔(Kuan-Min Wang)


黃金報酬 ; 美元貶值 ; 門檻模型 ; 樣本外預測 ; Gold return ; U.S. dollar depreciation ; Threshold model ; Out-of-sample Forecasting




10卷1期(2008 / 03 / 01)


47 - 71






This paper examines the dynamic relationships between gold return and U.S. dollar depreciation which testing the effectiveness of gold as an exchange rate hedge against U.S. dollar depreciation. We utilize the linear model and the non-linear threshold model with exchange rate fluctuation as the threshold variable to investigate this problem. The empirical findings are summarized as follows. First, the estimation result suggests that gold indeed could serve as an effective hedge against U.S. dollar depreciation. Second, there exist two sets of non-linear relationships in our sample: one between the gold return and the sterling-dollar exchange rate, and another between the gold return and the yen-dollar exchange rates. Moreover, we find that gold's hedge performance is efficient only when the sterling-dollar exchange rate fluctuates less than 2.34% and the yen-dollar exchange rate fluctuate less than 2.94%. Third, the out-of-sample forecast results suggest that the non-linear model outperforms the linear model and that gold performs best as a hedge against the yen-dollar exchange rates. In conclusion, our findings could serve as advice to investors that gold's hedge effectiveness depends on the depreciation percentage of the U.S. dollar.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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