This paper mainly investigates long term equity return in the Taiwan stock market. We attempted to find the optimal model among and perform diagnostic analysis of the stochastic asset models, such as the independent lognormal model, the ARCH-type model, the Regime-Switching Lognormal model, and the Stochastic Log-Volatility model, all of which have been proposed by the American Academy of Actuaries. In addition, the most suitable long term equity model was determined. In the empirical study of the Taiwan stock market, the parameter estimations were carried out using maximum likelihood estimate and efficient moment of method. Following, we compared log-likelihood, Akaike Information Criterion and Schwartz Bayesian Criterion and drew Quantile-Quantile plots to test tails, to determine the appropriateness of models. Finally, Conditional Tail Expectation risk measures of stochastic equity models were estimated from simulation of the liability of a guaranteed minimum accumulation benefit contract. The results indicate that the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic and regime switching log normal models perform much better than other considered models for analyzing the Taiwan financial market.
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