


Medical Disputes on Chinese Medicine and the Risk Management




陳俞沛(Yu-Pei Chen);林建智(Jan-Juy Lin)


中醫 ; 醫療糾紛 ; 醫師業務責任保險 ; 風險管理 ; Chinese Medicine ; Medical Disputes ; Physician Professional Liability Insurance ; Risk Management




13卷1期(2011 / 06 / 01)


73 - 102






The occurrence frequency of medical disputes in Chinese medicine increases in recent years. The medical risk management gains its importance and the use of physician professional liability insurance becomes a major issue among Chinese physicians. The purpose of this study is to analyze the experiences of medical disputes, risk management and professional liability insurance related to the operation of Chinese physicians. It conducted a questionnaire survey on around five thousand Chinese physicians and held three separate seminars in different regions in Taiwan. Its finding can be observed as follows: (1) The prevalence rate of Chinese medicine dispute is around 10.2%. (2) The dispute solution in most occasions is reconciliation in private. The difficulties for Chinese physicians are the patients' irrational reaction and the non-familiarity with the available resolutions while handling medical disputes. (3) In respect of the self risk assessment and the cause of disputes, it creates a significant difference in whether they have experience of medical malpractice. (4) The ideal resolution expected is that medical disputes can be handled by an insurer or their associations. (5) The coverage, services, professionality and policy limits provided the insurance market can not meet the actual demand of most Chinese physicians. It influences on their willingness to purchase professional liability insurance coverage.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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