


The Practice of Corporate Social Responsibility of Taiwanese Insurers


張詠晴(Ariana Chang);羅慶棠(Ching-Tang Lo)


企業社會責任 ; 保險公司 ; 內容分析法 ; corporate social responsibility ; insurers ; content analysis




19卷1期(2017 / 06 / 01)


5 - 23




企業社會責任已經成為政府與企業都很重視的重要議題。本研究聚焦於保險業,目的在於了解國內各保險公司在企業社會責任方面的執行情形,並與其發生的負面事件做對比,以更「平衡」的角度來檢視企業。研究方法是以保險 公司2010至2015年報為基礎,採用內容分析法,探討各公司於不同面向企業社會責任之發展情形。我們也藉由公司間的比較,從中找出較為創新的作法,或許可以供其他公司效法。主要研究結果如下:第一、企業越來越積極投入企業社會責任相關活動,不管在質與量方面,都有顯著的提升;第二、仍有為數不少公司,所作的企業社會責任活動主要集中在慈善或捐獻;第三、壽險公司對於企業社會責任的履行程度,普遍較產險公司為高;第四、部分公司導入外部認證機制,讓利害關係人確信該公司企業社會責任的投入與成果。


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has gradually received attention from both government and businesses over the years. Using data on insurers from 2010 through 2015, we explore how insurers engage in CSR activities. Several observations have emerged from this research. First, insurers engage more and more in CSR activities in terms quality and quantity. Second, most of CSR activities are related to corporate philanthropy or charitable donations. Third, insurers which belong to a financial holding company socially perform better than those which do not. However, the discrepancy has diminished over time. Fourth, life insurers socially perform better than their non-life counterparts. Fifth, some insurers assure their stakeholders about corporate social performance through the utilization of assurance services from accounting firms.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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