


A Study on the Antecedents of the Intention to Download Pirated E-books and its Impact on the Intention to Purchase Legal E-books




林南宏(Nan-Hong Lin);王舒仙(Shu-Hsien Wang);陳宥伃(You-Yu Chen)


盜版電子書 ; 計畫行為理論 ; 偶像崇拜 ; Piracy E-books ; Planning Theory of Behavior ; Idol Worship




2018第20屆(2018 / 08 / 01)


653 - 675




隨著時代的快速變遷,電子書的發展,成為一個顛覆人類從古至今接觸資訊習慣的產業,創新歷史帶來無限可能的商機。然而在電子書商未來可預見的龐大商機下,隨之而來的盜版問題也日益猖獗,造成經濟上的損害不容小覷。因此,本研究根據計畫行為理論,延伸探討行為態度(社會重要性、道德義務、知覺風險)、主觀規範(規範敏感性、集體主義)、以及知覺行為控制(自我效能、便利條件)等前因要素來預測盜版電子書的下載意圖,並加入偶像崇拜的干擾因素來檢驗盜版與購買意圖之間的關聯性。本研究發放230份問卷,實際回收225份,有效問卷數為225份,有效問卷率為97.8%。經彙整相關資料後本研究以國內的網際網路使用者為研究對象,透過網路問卷進行資料蒐集。經過一個月的問卷回收,扣除無效問卷33份後,獲得有效問卷227份。實證資料採用SPSS 21.0和Smart PLS 2.0進行分析。研究結果顯示:(1)道德義務、規範敏感性對盜版電子書下載意圖有顯著的負向影響。(2)集體主義、自我效能、便利條件對盜版電子書下載意圖有顯著正向影響。(3)社會重要性、知覺風險對盜版電子書下載意圖的影響並不顯著。(4)盜版電子書下載意圖對合法電子書購買意圖有顯著負向的影響,而偶像崇拜在盜版電子書下載意圖對合法電子書購買意圖影響的干擾效果並不顯著。本研究最後也根據實證結果提出相關討論,並說明理論面與管理面的意涵與未來研究方向的建議。


With the rapid changes, the development of e-books has subverted human habits of information contact since ancient times. Innovative history brings unlimited possibilities. However, under the foreseeable huge business opportunities of e-booksellers in the future, the ensuing problems of piracy will also become increasingly rampant, causing economic damage not to be underestimated. Therefore, based on the theory of planned behavior, this study attempts to extends attitude toward the behavior (social importance, moral obligation, perceived risk), subjective norms (normative sensitivities, collectivism), and perceived behavioral control (self-efficacy, convenience). Predict the download intent of pirated e-books by factors and add the interference of idol worship to test the correlation between piracy and purchase. This research takes Internet users in Taiwan as the research object by online survey. Based on the information from the 227 respondents, we tested the hypotheses proposed in the model. The results show that: (1) Moral obligation and normative sensitivity have a significant negative impact on the intention of downloading pirated electronic books. (2) Collectivism, self-efficacy and convenience have a significant positive impact on intention of downloading e-books. (3) social importance, perceived risk of piracy e-book download intention is not significant. (4) The intention of downloading of pirated e-books has a significant negative impact on the purchase intention of legitimate e-books, while the effect of idol worship on the intention of downloading e-books is not obvious. Finally, this study also put forward relevant discussions based on empirical results, and explain the meaning of the theoretical and management aspects and suggestions for future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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