
Examining the Counterproductive Work Behaviors within Taiwan Academic Setting: A Pilot Study




Yueh-Luen Hu;Chao-Hsiang Hung;Gregory Ching


Counterproductive Work Behavior ; Deviant Behaviors ; Higher Education ; Taiwan ; Structured Equation Modeling


Higher Education Evaluation and Development


9卷1期(2015 / 06 / 01)


63 - 82




Most mainstream occupational studies tend to focus more on the factors that instill a positive work environment. In reality, besides these positive factors, negative factors such as Counterproductive Work Behaviors (CWB) do exists in all levels of the workplace; even within an academic setting. Within the academe, such unwritten deviant behaviors are even rarely studied and talked about. Hence, a study depicting the CWB within the academic setting should be able to bridge the gap within the literatures. In order to arrive into a CWB Taiwan (CWB-T) survey, a series of focus group interviews with both current and retired school presidents, professors, education ministry officials, and academic staff are accomplished. Resulting list of CWB is then subjected to a pilot study with 217 participants consisting of faculty and staff. Then after, the results are psychometrically validated with the use of Structure Equation Modelling (SEM) to form the 46 items CWB-T. It is hoped that through a validated CWB-T, a clearer understanding of the deviant behaviors within the academe can be explained. More important, results can help serve as a way of measuring the organizational health of academic institutions. As with the tenured status of most faculty and staff, proper counselling and guidance is the key in minimizing CWB. Ultimately, such study shall be able to provide greater insights in the development of a continuous integrated, sustainable, and forward-thinking innovative approach to CWB studies in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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