


The effect of different dynamic squat types on lower extremity biomechanics during squatting movement




翁梓林(Tzu-Lin Wong);廖建隆(Chien-Lung Liao)


全蹲 ; 踮腳蹲 ; 座椅蹲 ; 半蹲 ; full squat ; tiptoe squat ; chair squat ; half squat




4卷1期(2017 / 06 / 01)


43 - 51




緒論:探討全蹲 (full squat)、踮腳蹲 (tiptoe squat)、座椅蹲 (chair squat)與半蹲 (half squat) 等四種不同動態蹲型態對運動學參數及動力學參數之影響。方法 :以12 名無下肢傷痛病史之健康成年男性 (年齡30.33±4.48歲、身高170.50±4.06 cm、體重67.97±8.54 kg) 為受試對象,使用一部Mega Speed Ms30K 高速攝影機 (100Hz)及一台AMTI 測力板(1000Hz)以同步方法擷取下蹲起身之動作。影片以Kwon3D 動作分析軟體處理及量化後取得運動學參數;測力板原始訊號利用DASY Lab 6.0 分析軟體,經濾波(filter)與模組校正 (scaling)等處理得到垂直分力、水平分力及壓力中心。為了利於比較將原始分力予標準化 (normalize),以體重倍率 (Body Weight, B.W) 表示。以單因子重複量數變異數分析進行統計分析 (α=.05)。結果:一、不同動態蹲型態對軀幹前傾角度及角速度及髖、膝及踝關節最大屈曲角度均達顯著差異 (p<.05);二、不同動態蹲型態對重心之水平位移及垂直位移均達顯著差異 (p<.05)。三、起身期垂直分力峰值,半蹲顯著小於全蹲及座椅蹲 (p<.05);四、壓力中心前後偏移量以踮腳蹲顯著大於其他三種動態蹲(p<.05)。結論:以動態蹲做為健身運動或肌力訓練時,應從下肢關節負荷較小且動作相對較穩定的半蹲動作開始,隨肌力的增強而減輕了運動時關節之負荷時,再進行全蹲動作以降低下肢傷害的風險。


Introduction: The aim of this study was to explore the effect of four squatting types -- full squat, tiptoe squat, chair squat and half squat, on lower extremity biomechanics. Methods: Subjects were twelve healthy adult males (age: 30.33 ± 4.48 years old, height: 170.50 ± 4.06 cm, weight: 67.97 ± 8.54 kg) with no history of lower extremity pain or injury. A Mega SpeedMs30k high-speed camera (100Hz) and an AMTI force plate (1000Hz) were used to capture squat motion synchronously. The film was processed and quantified by Kwon3D motion analysis software to obtain kinematic parameters. The original signals from the force plate were processed through DASY Lab 6.0 analysis software, filtering and scaling to obtain the vertical force, horizontal force and the center of pressure. We normalized GRFs to the participant's body weight (BW). One-way repeated-measures ANOVA was used for statistical analysis (α=.05). Results: For all four squat types, 1) the truck angle of forward lean, angular velocity and the maximum flexion angles at the hip, knee and ankle joint all showed significant differences (p<.05); 2) the horizontal and vertical displacement of the center of gravity were significantly different (p<.05); 3) the peak vertical force was less half squat than full squat and chair squat during rising phase (p<.05) ; 4) the antero-posterior of center of pressure was greater tiptoe squat than other three dynamic squat during squatting movement (p<.05). Conclusion: To choose dynamic squats as a fitness exercise or muscle strength training, one should start with the half squat that is lighter in load and relatively stable in order to reduce the risk of lower extremity injury. As the joint loads decreasing along with the increase of muscle strength, one can switch to a full squat.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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