


The Effects of Project-Based Learning on Exercise Prescription Learning Performance in College Athletic Students




陳銨漵(An-Hsu Chen);邱薰範(Xun-Fan, Qiu);薛名淳(Ming-Chun Hsueh)


專案導向 ; 問題導向 ; 健康體適能 ; 教學實踐 ; project-based learning ; problem-based learning ; health and physical fitness ; teaching practice




10卷2期(2023 / 09 / 01)


93 - 109




目的:專題導向學習策略(project-based learning, PBL)運用在大專教學實踐場域驗證學習成效已有諸多證據,然PBL教學方法融入運動處方課程對其專業知識學習效果是否優於其他教學方法仍未有明確證據。本研究目的為探討PBL融入運動處方課程對大專體育運動員生修習運動處方課程專業知能之影響。方法:以大專院校體育運動科系大學生為對象,共招募53位學生同意參與教學研究(實驗組27人、控制組26人),實驗組學生採PBL教學法,讓小組學生實際針對一位個案進行評估、設計、執行運動處方內容。而控制組則採一般教學法,教學介入每週2小時,共18週課程。兩組學生皆於教學實驗第一週、第九週及第十八週,進行運動處方知識前測、期中測驗及期末測驗。所得資料以描述性統計及共變數分析進行檢定。結果:(一)經過九週實驗介入後,「PBL教學組」之運動處方期中知識測驗成績顯著優於「一般教學組」(F = 6.59, p = .01,),其效果量(ƞ^2)= .12。(二)經過十八週實驗介入後,「PBL教學組」之運動處方知識期末測驗成績顯著優於「一般教學組」(F= 38.79, p = <.001),效果量(ƞ^2)= .44。結論:本研究發現PBL策略對大專運動員生之運動處方知識學習表現顯著優於一般教學方式。建議未來大學運動處方設計課程可考慮優先採用專題導向教學策略授課,引導學生往實務上思考,積極理解教學內容的實踐知識。


Introduction: PBL (project-based learning) strategies are rooted in Dewey's theory of learning by doing, with learning centered on completing activities and projects and problem-solving (Dewey, 1923; Thomas, 2000). Previous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of PBL as a teaching strategy (Chen & Yang, 2019; Guo et al., 2020). However, existing research suggests that PBL is mostly limited to teaching science at the university level (Chen & Yang, 2019). Even though recent Taiwanese studies on teaching practices have focused on the effectiveness of PBL in enhancing students' learning outcomes, such as communication skills, learning motivations, professional knowledge and skills, social and cultural literacy, systematic thinking, and creativity (Wang et al., 2018; Lu, 2019; Chen, 2020; Tsai, 2016; Hung & Tzeng, 2018; Lai and Wu, 2020; Chuang et al., 2019; Hsieh et al., 2009), most of these studies were conducted using a single-group pre-post-test design. Few studies have quantitatively assessed whether PBL is more effective than other teaching methods in terms of the acquisition of professional knowledge. Furthermore, previously, Chou et al. (2009) and Tsai (2019) have compared the effectiveness of PBL with that of other teaching strategies. However, both studies revealed that there were no significant differences between the two teaching methods in terms of post-test learning achievements. Moreover, few studies have validated the superiority of PBL in professional knowledge acquisition or students' learning progress and improvements compared to typical teaching methods. Exercise prescription is an interdisciplinary and multi-profession applied discipline. To provide students with the experience of implementing customized exercise prescription programs, this study attempted to incorporate PBL in an exercise prescription course. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the effects of PBL on the professional competencies of college athletes undertaking an exercise prescription course. Methods: Participants were recruited from the physical education and sports science department of a Taiwanese college (n = 53, experimental group = 27, and control group = 26). The experimental group received PBL, while students in the control group received traditional instruction. Over the course of 18 weeks, both interventions were implemented for two hours per week. The research instrument used was the 25-item Exercise Prescription Professional Competency Self-Assessment. During the first, ninth, and 18^(th) weeks, both groups of students underwent pre-test, mid-test, and post-test to assess their exercise prescription competency. ANCOVA was employed to determine whether the experimental group achieved better learning outcomes than the control group. The effect size was determined using the partial eta squared (ƞ^2) (Cohen, 1988), and the level of statistical significance was p <. 05. Results: The regression slopes were the same and the ANCOVA can be performed. The homogeneity of the variance test (Levene's test) showed that the error variances of the two groups in the mid-test and post-test were the same and were homogenous (mid-test: F = 1.25, p = .27; post-test: F = 0.13, p = .73). After excluding the effects of the pre-test on the mid-test, the adjusted mean (Adj. M) of the experimental group's mid-test was significantly higher than that of the control group (F = 6.59, p = .01, ƞ^2= .12). Post-hoc comparisons showed that the experimental group achieved better scores than the control group (Adj. M = 69.31 > 56.81). Regarding the post-test results, after excluding the confounding influence of the pre-test on the post-test, the adjusted mean of the experimental group's post-test was significantly higher than that of the control group (F = 38.79, p = <.001, ƞ^2= .44). The post-hoc comparison results suggested that the experimental group scored higher than the control group (Adj. M = 88.96 > 62.04). The variation of the two groups' learning performance in the exercise prescription course is shown in the Figure 1. (The form abridges) Conclusions: After completing a semester with the interventional teaching design, the PBL group achieved better mid-test and post-test scores than the control group. A small effect size of 0.12 was observed after nine weeks of implementing the intervention, which increased to 0.44 (≥ 0.40) after 18 weeks. Our results demonstrated that the PBL group's exercise prescription learning outcomes were better than those of the conventional teaching group. These results align with previous studies on the application of PBL in university courses (Wang, 2018; Lu, 2018; Lee et al., 2019; Chou et al., 2009; Chuang et al., 2019; Chen, 2020; Tsai, 2016; Hsieh et al., 2009). Our findings demonstrate the positive effects of integrating PBL into higher education for enhancing students' learning outcomes (Chen & Yang, 2019; Guo et al., 2020; Mohamadi, 2018). This teaching practice study found that the integration of PBL into an exercise prescription course was significantly more effective than conventional teaching approaches in improving students' professional learning outcomes. We recommend that in the future, teachers of sports disciplines in higher education consider using PBL in their exercise prescription courses to help students engage in practical thinking.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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