


Examining the association between high school experiences and adolescents' civic attitude




楊佩榮(Pei-Jung Yang)


青少年 ; 公民態度 ; 高中學校經驗 ; adolescence ; civic attitude ; high school experiences




25期(2018 / 12 / 01)


1 - 41






The development of civic attitude might foster social development and adaptation at the macro and micro levels. This paper investigated the association between high school experiences and civic attitude, hoping that the result might provide some implications for the civic development during adolescence. School experiences and civic attitude were collected using questionnaire. School experiences included behavioral difficulties, school belonging, learning attitude, student-teacher relationship, deviant peers, and democratic classroom climate. Civic attitude was examined in four dimensions including civic activity, social caring, social responsibility, and current affair. There were 1,111 11^(th) graders from Taipei, New Taipei, Taichung, Tainan, and Kaohsiung city participated in the study. Using one-way random effects analysis of covariance, the results showed that school belonging and learning attitude fostered civic attitude in all four dimensions. Four implications were recommended for adolescent civic development in school settings to professionals working with adolescents: Foster safety and belonging, foster self-efficacy, provide democratic experience, and timely behavioral intervention.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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