


Effects of Plyometric Training on Power of Lower-limb


高仁傑(Jen-Chieh Kao);沈啟賓(Chi-Bin Shen);伍驊聖(Hua-Shen Wu);林宜徵(Yi-Cheng Lin)


深訓練跳 ; 超負荷訓練 ; 伸展收縮循環 ; Depth jumps ; Overloading Train ; Stretch-shortening cycle




2013(2013 / 12 / 01)


69 - 73




許多競技運動項目中都需要透過下肢才能完成流暢之運動表現,例如:球類運動、游泳運動、田徑運動、技擊運動等、甚至是生活上的基本適能都需依靠它。Potteiger.Lockwood.Haub.Dolezaland zebas(1999)研究指出運動員下肢肌肉的爆發力或垂直跳的能力表現對齊專項能力表現是一個足以影響運動表現因素之一,並且在所有的專項運動訓練內容中他都是扮演著一個重要的基礎能力。增強式訓練最早是由蘇聯田徑教練Yuri verohoshanski於1968年提出(張木山,2004)並將增強式訓練安排於訓練計畫的中,選手們獲得優異之成績,逐步頹廣於各想運動項目中直到1970年才被美國田徑教練Fred wilt跳躍訓練稱為Plyometric增強式訓練。增強式訓練訓練在肌肉快速收縮,動態負荷伸展後的一種瞬發性收縮的訓練,藉由肌肉的離心收縮所造成的急速伸展,使結締組織拉長,透過肌肉具有彈性的特質,而產生彈性能的儲存,隨後的立即向心收縮使這些彈性能釋放,並產生增強力量的表現,然而外來衝擊落大於肌肉所能負荷時或是聯結時間過長肌肉便拉長,肌肉中所組成的彈性將轉成熱能而無法產生有效爆發力量。本研究以文獻回顧方法探討增強式訓練對下肢爆發力之影響,本研究目的旨在探討增強式訓練對下肢爆發力影響,對其能否正面提升運動員之運動表現。結論:每週兩次的增強式訓練可顯著提升下肢之爆發力表現。建議每週至少安排兩次增強式訓練,每週跳躍次數為420下以上為佳。


We usually complete perfect athletic performance through the lower limbs in many sporting events, such as ball sports, swimming, track and field, and combat sports. Even the physical fitness needs to rely on it. Potteiger.Lockwood. Haub.Dolezaland zebas ( 1999 ) Research shows the explosive force of lower limb muscle or the ability of vertical jump for specialized ability is a powerful impact on athletic performance. It plays an important role which is a basic capacity in all plyometric training. Plyometric was first used by Yuri verohoshanski, the coach of track and field in Soviet, in 1968. He arranged plyometric into the training plan, and it did make athletes have excellent performances. As a result, the project was gradually extended among each sport. It was until 1970 that the coach of track and field in U.S, Fred, named the jump training for Plyometric. Plyometric is a training way which is instant contraction after muscle contraction and dynamic loaded stretch. It lengthens the connective tissue by the rapid stretch caused by muscle centrifugation contractions. It produces elastic energy storage with flexible muscles; subsequent contraction of the heart is so immediate that the elastic energy releases, producing enhanced power. However, if the external shock is over the muscle load, or the coupling time is too long, muscle will be stretched. It may cause the elasticity in muscle to transfer into heat that cannot produce the effective explosive force.In this study, the researcher investigated the impact on explosive force of the lower limbs through plyometric training by literature reviewing method. The main idea of this study aims to investigate whether the explosive power caused by plyometric training promotes the athletes’ sport performances.In conclusion, taking plyometric training twice a week can significantly improve the performance of explosive power of the lower limbs. It is suggested that doing plyometric at least twice a week and jumping for about 420 times a week are better.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學