作業風險整合軟體(Operational Risk Management Integration Tools, ORMIT) ; 危害辨識 ; 風險評估 ; 工作安全分析(Job Safety Analysis, JSA) ; 平均風險指數(Average Risk Index, ARI) ; Operational Risk Management Integration Tools (ORMIT) ; Hazards identification ; Risk assessment ; Average Risk Index (ARI) ; Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
酒精儲槽區及其酒精製程中之槽車酒精裝卸作業、調和室收酒精作業及酒精調和作業等,除存在一般作業場所危害外,也可能產生重大危害(如火災爆炸)會影響生命財產安全。製程安全的最大保障在於實施適切的辨識及評估。作業風險整合軟體(Operational Risk Management Integration Tools, ORMIT),主要功能在將人工作業分析模式轉為電腦輔助分析模式,以進行作業風險管理各項步驟(如危害辨識、風險評估、風險控制、決策、執行、督導與檢討)。本研究以南部某酒廠的酒精製造工場為研究對象,以工作安全分析(Job Safety Analysis, JSA)辨識出酒精製程中槽車酒精裝卸作業、調和室收酒精作業及調和作業的110項危害,11種危害類型,再使用ORMIT評估各項作業危害的風險,評估結果再和由JSA所得風險評估結果相互比較。研究結果顯示,使用ORMIT軟體對酒精儲槽區裝卸及調和作業製程實施風險評估的結果為:高度風險10件(9.1%)、中度風險67件(60.9%)、低度風險33件(30.0%)。使用JSA分析技術上述危害的風險評估結果為:高度風險有13件(11.8%)、中高度風險33件(30.0%)、中度風險36件(32.7%)及低度風險28件(25.5%)。對於整體酒精製程,雖然兩種評估技術所得的風險等級很接近,但JSA所辨識出中度風險以上的比例較高。評估結果,若導入ORMIT軟體發展的風險控制措施及下決策,其預期改善效果為:高度及中度風險皆已降至低度風險甚至排除。三項製程平均風險指數(Average Risk Index, ARI)可由10.22降為0.31,改善效果顯著。
All loading and unloading operations of alcohol tank car, operations of receiving alcohol in blending room, and alcohol blending operations in alcohol manufacturing process have high potential hazards including fire, explosion, leakage of alcohol, fall, electrification, and etc. Among these, fire and explosion are the most serious. Thus, process safety is the best policy to ensure the profit. Many industrial accidents were caused by inappropriate hazard identification and assessment. The main function of Operational Risk Integration Software (Operational Risk Management Integration Tools, ORMIT) is to transfer the manual operation mode to computer-assisted analysis model for carrying out the steps of the operational risk management (such as, hazard identification, risk assessment, risk control, decision-making, execution, supervision and review). In this study, an alcohol manufacturing plant in southern Taiwan was taken as a case study. ORMIT software were used to evaluate the risk of identified potential hazards by Job Safety Analysis (JSA) in alcohol manufacturing process (loading and unloading operations of alcohol tank car, operations of receiving alcohol in blending room, and alcohol blending operations). Similarities and differences of assessment results for both tools were compared with one another. The hazards identified in loading and unloading operations of storage tank areas and blending operations with JSA show that there are 110 hazards identified which can be classified as 11 types of hazards. The hazards identified in loading and unloading operations of storage tank areas and blending operations with ORMIT software show that there are 10 high risk (9.1%), 67 moderate risk (60.9%), and 33 low risk (30.0%). While, The results of risk assessment of the above hazards show that there are 13 high level risk (11.8%), 33 moderate high risk of (30.0%), 36 moderate risk (32.7%), and 28low risk (25.5%) by JSA. Although both evaluation techniques show similar risk level, JSA identified more hazards than ORMIT did. We further combined the results of two valuation techniques and then imported them into ORMIT software to develop the control measures and decision-making. Results show that both high risk and moderate risk are mitigated to low risk, while low risk was excluded. The average risk index (ARI) of three processes was reduced to 0.31 from 10.22. This shows significant improvement.
(2006)。ORMIT軟體簡介。台灣凱林國際教育與Caring International Education, Australia ; 2006.。
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隆田酒廠(2013)。隆田酒廠。OHSAS 18001危害鑑別、風險評鑑作業程序P-23-04-01。隆田酒廠; 2013。
隆田酒廠(2013)。隆田酒廠。OHSAS 18001危害鑑別、風險評鑑作業程序P-23-04。隆田酒廠;2013。2/9-6。
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