


An Analysis of Relevant Regulations and Practices of Working Hours Exemption in Taiwan


彭素玲(Su-Ling Peng);徐廣正(Guang-Zheng Xu)


工時豁免 ; 勞動基準法 ; 責任制 ; 白領高薪人員 ; Working time exemption ; Labor Standards Act ; Exempt Employee ; White-collar High-paying Management and Supervisor




28卷4期(2020 / 12 / 15)


93 - 114






By means of the analysis and review of literature and materials, this paper draws from the relevant background of the implementation, addition and deletion of applicable workers of Article 84-1 of Labor Standards Act. By referring to the implementation of relevant international regulations, the practical operation and revision of major countries, we summarize the benefits and observations of relevant regulations and practical operations of Article 84-1 of Labor Standards Act, as the future planning and reference of the working time exemption. The main findings and conclusions of the research are as follows: 1. Major countries have recently adjusted and revised the application of working time exemption due to practical needs. For example, Japan and Taiwan have included high-paying white-collar workers as applicable workers; South Korea has restricted working time exemption for applicable industries in 2018, and gradually implemented the application according to the size of the enterprise. It shows that countries can adjust applicable standards and implementation schedules according to their policy objectives and practical needs. 2. Regularly reviewing the implementation and operation of the working time exemption to meet economic development changes and actual needs. In addition, countries such as the United States, Australia, and the Netherlands have adjusted their applicable salary thresholds. 3. The application or verification of domestic working time exemption (Article 84-1 of the Labor Standards Law) is not common; moreover, related lawsuits are mostly due to incomplete administrative procedures. 4. The development trend of working time exemption: (1) Due to the epidemic situation and technological development (automatic machinery, AI smart technology application), the work/service mode of the labor market is becoming more and more diversified, and policy planning and design need to take the above considerations into consideration. (2) The importance of labor-management negotiations or group agreements, and strive for better working conditions. (3) Laws and regulations should consider the characteristics of various industries and impose different regulatory restrictions. (4) Regularly review the salary threshold setting standard, calculation method and scope of the high salary responsibility system. The relevant policy recommendations, as far as short-term plans are concerned, mainly include: 1. Considering promulgating the principles of working time guidance and examination guidelines. Understand the needs of all walks of life and resolve differences, enhancing the promotion of relevant policies, gradually expanding or customizing the promulgation of working time guidance and examination guidelines to implement the policies. 2. Enhancing social (labor-management) dialogue and participation helps both parties communicate their opinions and reduce disputes. In order to balance the negotiation advantages and skills of both parties, the role of the labor union can be strengthened to enhance its strength. 3. Standardizing the salary threshold of high-paying white-collar workers (average monthly salary of 150,000 or more) according to different professions and occupational characteristics, or set annual salary ratio and annual salary calculation standards. Regarding the job inspection of supervisory and managerial personnel, through labor-management consultations and obtaining mutual consent, they can be handled flexibly without departing from the principles of current laws and regulations. 4. Reviewing the needs and applicability of existing applicable workers, such as whether standby jobs are included in applicable workers. Due to changes in the service or employment mode of the industry, there are few actual verifications of certain categories, and should be reviewed and revised regularly to meet the actual needs of society. As for the mid- and long-term proposals, the following are included: Achieve consensus on the establishment of (professional) proprietary laws; establish communication channels and platforms for the application of working time exemption; relax policy flexibility and increase efficiency.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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