


Discuss the Possibility of Implementing Pharmaceutical Industry Work Ethics and Enhancing Staff Management


陳昱萍(Jocelyn Wu-Ping Chen)


善意志 ; 道德 ; 倫理 ; 義務 ; 理性 ; Good will ; Moral ; Ethics ; Obligation ; Reason




29卷3期(2021 / 09 / 15)


98 - 112




製藥業是一個需要從基層到管理者都落實優良製造規範(Good Manufacturing Practice, GMP)及職業安全衛生規範的行業,也是一群在工作中需要常常詢問自己「我應該要做什麼?」的從業者,為的是做出達到有效性、一致性與安全性的藥品品質,同時也提供勞工一個安全的工作場所。本文探討製藥廠的品質監控情形及製藥業的潛在危害與危害預防;從康德的義務論,探討「善意志」落實於製藥道德上,如何可能?身為製藥業者,應盡什麼樣的義務?在日常管理中,如何引導員工恪遵GMP及職業安全衛生規範。最後提出業者可能面臨或發生的道德問題,並提供業者落實「善意志」所可以遵循的方向與建議。本文主張從「理性」啟動的「義務」行為,恰好符合製藥業應有的道德表現,並有助於提升藥廠整體職業安全與衛生管理的實際作為,落實無條件的善。


Implementation of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and occupational safety and health regulations within the pharmaceutical industry is the duty of all those involved, from entry-level employees through to executive management. It requires people to constantly ask themselves "What I should do?" in order to achieve effectiveness, consistency and safety of medicine quality, and to provide a safe workplace for the workers. The operations of Quality Management System and the potential occupational hazards in pharmaceutical plant are studied. Based on Kant's Deontology, this article will discuss the possibility of implementing "Good Will" on pharmaceutical industry's code of ethics. What are the obligations for a pharmaceutical company? In daily management, how to guide employees to abide by the GMP standards and occupational safety and health regulations? How to let "Reason" and "Good Will" overcome personal preferences, and subsequently fulfill the obligations that the pharmaceutical industry should perform? Finally, the ethical problems that the management team and workers may face are discussed, and the suggestion and directions are provided. This article concludes that the all behaviors complied with "obligation" are inspired by "Reason". These behaviors are just in line with the morality and pharmaceutical industry work ethics, and also help to improve the operations of occupational safety and health management in pharmaceutical factories. Eventually, integrate Kant's unconditional "Good Will" into pharmaceutical industry work ethics will be implemented for sure, as expected.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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