


Quantitative Research on the Decrease of Liquidated Damages in Labor Contracts


周兆昱(Chao-Yu Chou);陳巧雲(Chiao-Yun Chen);周郁薇(Yu-Wei Jhou);簡宏志(Hong-Chih Jian)


違約金酌減 ; 皮爾森相關係數 ; T值檢定法 ; 勞動基準法第9條之1 ; 勞動基準法第15條之1 ; Discretionary reduction of liquidated damages ; Pearson's Correlation ; Student's t-test ; Article 9-1 of the Labor Standards Law ; Article 15-1 of the Labor Standards Law




29卷4期(2021 / 12 / 15)


105 - 125




勞動契約中除了勞務內容及工資待遇之外,有時會再約定如勞工最低服務年限或離職後競業禁止義務等特別條款,勞工若有違約情事即須依約賠償違約金。在違約金條款被認定有效時,勞工唯一之救濟方法即為請求法院同意酌減違約金。本文使用皮爾森相關係數(Pearson's Correlation)統計分析法,作為計算法院引用違約金酌減因子數量與酌減比例間是否有關聯之統計工具。此外,為了解個別酌減因子與酌減比例間之關聯性,本文使用皮爾森相關係數作為檢驗各酌減因子與違約金酌減比例間是否相關之工具。經過統計分析,本文得到酌減因子數量與酌減比例間為低度正相關之結果,惟相關係數為0.152,因此相關程度極為有限。在個別酌減因子與酌減比例部分,本文發現「債務人如能如期履行債務時,債權人可享受之一切利益」此項酌減因子與酌減比例間存在中度正相關,是本文各種統計分析中相關係數最高之項目。此外,本文亦發現勞基法於2015年12月之修法對於法院審理違約金酌減比例確實有所影響,有待後續研究深入分析其確實原因。


In addition to the content of the labor service and wages, the labor contract sometimes stipulates special clauses such as the minimum service period of the labor or the non-competition obligation after resignation. If the labor breaches the contract, it must pay liquidated damages in accordance with the contract. When the liquidated damages clause is found to be valid, the only remedy for workers is to request the court to agree to a discretionary reduction of liquidated damages. This article uses Pearson's Correlation statistical analysis method as a statistical tool to calculate whether there is a correlation between the number of deduction factors cited by the court and the deduction ratio. In order to understand the correlation between the individual discretionary factors and the discretionary reduction ratio, this article uses Pearson's Correlation as a tool to test whether each discretionary factor is related to the default penalty reduction ratio. After statistical analysis, this paper obtains the result that there is a low degree of positive correlation between the number of reduction factors and the reduction ratio, but the correlation coefficient is 0.137, so the degree of correlation is extremely limited. In the part of individual decrement factors and decrement ratios, this article finds that "all the benefits that creditors can enjoy if the debtor is able to perform the debts as scheduled." There is a moderate positive correlation between the decrement factor and the decrement ratio, which is a statistical analysis of this article. Among the items with the highest correlation coefficient. In addition, this article also finds that the amendment of the Labor Standards Act in December 2015 does have an impact on the court's discretionary reduction of liquidated damages, and further research is needed to analyze the exact reasons.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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