There is a far more complicated in the development of fixed-term labor in all countries, such as growing employment instability, working conditions, and social security protection. Any policy on fixed-term labor contracts requires a balance between the granting of social security protection to workers on one hand and the flexibility of the labor market on the other. It is necessary to review regulations and implementation status in our country and other countries. The types of fixed-term labor contract according to certain period, many countries also set fixed-term according to jobs, duties or uncertainty term. The trend of regulations for atypical employment tend to promote both aspects of flexibility and safe. In the future, fixed-term labor contract might keep increasing, the flexibility way, policy and regulation of fixed-term labor contract is very important. The study collected legal characteristics of U.K., Australia, Germany, Japan, Korea, ILO, and the EU. The conclusions of this study include the following: 1, The purpose and suitability toward targets applied of fixed-term labor contract should consider the flexibility and labor rights protection, 2. Fixed-term labor contract should turn into non-fixed term labor contract after a certain continuous employment period. 3. Prevention of unfair treatment toward fixed-term labor should be implemented.
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