


The Impact of Technological Development on the Human Use of Different Genders


辛炳隆(Ping-Lung Hsin);簡慧茹(Hui-Ju Chien);林嘉慧(Chia-Hui Lin);鄭明哲(Ming-Jhe Jeng)


科技 ; 工作 ; 勞工 ; 性別差異 ; Technology ; Work ; Labor ; Gender difference




29卷4期(2021 / 12 / 15)


30 - 45






When companies start using emerging technologies and applications to change existing production and service processes, many routine tasks will be at risk of being replaced. Because the investment cost is too large, the extent to which most SMEs introduce emerging technologies is not widespread. As technology matures and labor costs increase year by year, enterprise saving manpower through automation will be the future trend. Although most corporate executives say that science and technology-related work arrangements are based on professional competence and are not considered by gender. The labor force survey shows that about 10% of employees believe that company executives will distribute technology-related work to men first. Because women need to care for their families and the stereotype of women's weak scientific and technological ability, Female workers need to be more outstanding in order to be promoted. On the other hand, the development of emerging technologies is increasing the demand for information technology talents. However, the number of women in the field of programming technology is far less than the demand of enterprises. This has led to an increase in the proportion of male employees in the relevant departments of science and technology and all enterprises, which has also led to an increase in the employment gap between men and women. The government should provide vocational training in the application of technology equipment for workers who may be replaced by new technology. On the other hand, the following policy arrangements can be used to reduce gender differences in technology-related work. The government can encourage female students to participate in technology-related fields through rewards or special women's programs. The government can promote women's technology practitioners' models through speeches and seminars. In addition to providing model study and consultation for female students, these activities should allow male workers to understand that women can also be outstanding in the field of science and technology, and change the stereotypes that people have. The government should also encourage companies to promote gender-friendly work programs, regularly review internal gender ratios, and plan for long-distance work, flexible working hours, and gender-balanced programs.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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