


A Study on Overtime Regulations and the Allocation of the Burden of Proof Regarding Determination on Working Overtime


卓奇勳(Chi-Hsun Cho)


加班 ; 舉證責任 ; 推定 ; 勞動事件法 ; 勞動基準法 ; Overtime work ; Burden of proof ; Presumption ; Labor Incident Act ; Labor Standards Act




29卷4期(2021 / 12 / 15)


84 - 104






In Taiwan, the percentage of employers violating overtime regulations is high, causing many lawsuits. The essential controversy and difficulty in overtime disputes lie in identifying facts vital to understanding the employees' actual working hours and being excessively overworked; it is also the key to requesting overtime pay. This article focuses on allocating the burden of proof in determining overtime facts by delineating the scenario of the overtime system in Taiwan and viewing it as the basis for follow-up discussion. Under relevant regulations, in principle, working overtime should be required by the employer, with employees working overtime without being asked as exceptions. In either case, whether the fact of overtime exists depends on whether the person bears the burden of proof under the allocating of the burden of proof can fulfill it. According to Article 38 of the Labor Incident Act, if the employer cannot overturn the presumption of this article, the time written in the attendance records will be considered the employee's working time. However if, the employer overturns the above presumption, for employer proven the time stated in the attendance record was partly the employee's rest period or employees did not work after the regular working time, the employee shall prove he performs his duties; as to the employer who uses the labor contract or work rules as evidence proving he did not agree to the circumstances in which employees does not need to work overtime, given that the employer knew the overtime work and did nothing but enjoying the benefits of employees' labor, yet denied the fact that employees had work overtime, does not match common sense and is against the rules of experience and legislative intent. Therefore, employees do not have to bear the burden of proof for circumstances that do not conform to the general facts.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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