Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has made remote work more feasible and convenient. However, there are negative consequences associated with telework, such as blurred lines between work and life and the psychological stress of isolation. This study focuses on countries like the United Kingdom, the European Union, Japan, and the United States. We searched with keywords related to teleworking and summarized the possible risks and preventive measures. This article presents management policy recommendations for Taiwan. This study found that most countries have adopted different policies for teleworkers. For example, the UK Health and Safety Executive emphasizes that employers must conduct risk assessments for home workers and take measures based on the results. The European Union focuses on maintaining a work-life balance for teleworkers. In addition to legislative requirements for working hours and conditions, it also recommends that employers should raise the awareness of disconnection. The Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare in Japan emphasizes the necessity of reaching an agreement on work content and evaluation methods with teleworkers before starting the telework policy. The employer must take measures to ensure that the workers are in good psychological condition. The US Federal Government recommends that a telework plan be drawn up and specified before implementing the telework. A telework manager manages the workforce, ensuring that workers complete training and protocols prior to telework. There is different implementation focus and practice worldwide, such as workers' rights, whether they are suitable for telework and how to protect people living with them. It is recommended that our government establish measures such as an occupational health risk assessment model for new types of work and a health consultation and management system for teleworkers. These measures will help the government to respond to the emerging occupational safety and health problems caused by the telework.
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