


Standards of Determining Whether the Transfer of a Business's Employee is Legitimate - a Comparative Study on Legal Framework in Japan


張義德(I-Te Chang)


勞動基準法第10條之1 ; 調動五原則 ; 工作與生活之平衡 ; 日本勞動契約法第3條第3款 ; Article 10-1 of the Labor Standards Act ; the five principles of Employee Transfer ; the Balance Between Work and Life ; Subparagraph 3 of Article 3 of the Labor Contract Act in Japan




31卷2期(2023 / 06 / 20)


1 - 20






The standards of determining whether the transfer of a business's employee is legitimate (the "Standards") were solely based on the "Five Principles of Employee Transfer" (the "Five Principles") in Taiwan before the amendment of Article 10-1 of the Labor Standards Act (the "LSA") in Taiwan in 2015. Although the Five Principles are still being measured as the supplementation of Article 10-1 of the LSA after the above-mentioned amendment, the definite measurements of the Standards are still inconsistent due to the different facts on variable cases. As a result, this thesis studies and analyzes the relevant standards of employee transfer, and especially focuses on the consideration of the livelihood interests of the employee and his/her family, which is set forth in Subparagraph 5 of Article 10-1 of the LSA. In addition, this thesis also illustrates how the Labor Contract Act is being conducted and the relevant standards of employee transfer in Japan for reference. Furthermore, this thesis concludes that the Standards are still defective no matter whether they are based on the Five Principles or Article 10-1 of the LSA. Consequently, this thesis suggests that the proposal being discussed under the Labor Contract Act in Japan which concludes that the employer should not constitute an abuse of rights if it doesn't take into account an employee's or his/ her family's livelihood interests due to the fact that the employee didn't disclose such information. Moreover, an employer should respectively illustrate the changes before and after the transfer of its employee (the "Transfer"). Should the employer not illustrate, causing unexpected disadvantages to the employee, the employer may constitute an abuse of rights and the Transfer may be illegal. The employer should also follow the procedure of the Transfer by illustrating the necessity of the Transfer, the reasons for the selection of employees, the type of work and the wages after the Transfer, and other working conditions after the Transfer. Besides, the employer shall also endeavor to obtain the agreements of employees in order to prevent the occurrence of labor disputes. This thesis hereby clarifies the rules and operation of the Transfer, and looks forward to creating a balance of the needs between employers' businesses and employees' protection.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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