Different nations have taken initiatives to improve the employment of senior and older workers. However, as the participation of senior workers in the labor market increases, the incidences of occupational injuries rise too and require responses from the government and the industries. In Taiwan, the proportion of senior workers in the working population was less than those in the other industrialized countries. Nonetheless, the alarming trend of declining birth and population growth alerts an imminent need of senior and older workers and a critical requirement in maintaining a safe and healthful workplace. This article reviewed and analyzed the occupational safety and health policies set forth in Japan, Canada, Australia, the European Union, and the United States to safeguard senior and older workers. This review was collected aging workforce-related policies from the Internet websites of different nations and then analyzing retrospectively the development and application of these policies. The findings from the review were summarized for future referencing by Taiwanese Occupational Safety and Health Administration in setting forth relevant policies and strategies. As the review findings indicated, in addition to the effort of the employers hiring seniors, understanding the preparedness and requirements of the senior and older population to work is essential to promoting their engagement in the market. Ensuring an age discrimination-free working environment and an occupational health management system appropriate for the seniors was also a prominent task. The employers might consider the Japanese checklist from "100 Activities for the Seniors" for identification of occupational safety and health issues the seniors experienced in the workplace, and could approach the issue of managing an aging workforce from the perspectives of sensor workers, referencing Australian or Canadian guidelines. These references will serve as guidelines as Taiwanese industries increasingly hire senior and older workers and are concerned with their safety and health.
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